4 summers and I’m still not use to the way my Nav’s bow raises
when I back off of the throttle after being up on plane.
I forgot my WhiteCaps two openers ago on M.L. and took on water
a couple of times because of the way the tail squats
when I stop.
I do have max hp (F150) and also a T-8 on the transom.
I love the T-8 for trolling but have been contemplating
removing it to eliminate the squatting issue. It’s either that or swap
the 150 for a 115 and leave the T-8 where it sits.
There is a 62 lb diffential between the 115 and the 150.
The T-8 weighs around 100 lbs.
More than once I have put the boat back on plane thinking the bilge
was full of water because of the bow rise.
It’s a uneasy feeling especially first thing in the a.m. after a later
than usual p.m…………..if you know what
I’m sayin.
I do have a 24v troller and 27 series batteries installed and have
all compartments filled in the bow area.
I may have to throw some lead in the compartments instead
of life preservers, t boxes, and anchors with rope.
I just haven’t been able to get used to this and would like to make my outings more enjoyable.
Your thoughts??