Anyone with a 175 Nav. with a 115 Yamaha on it, How heavy of a trailer do you have under it? Would a 2,500 lb. trailer do it? I think the one I have is over-kill.

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Anyone with a 175 Nav. with a 115 Yamaha on it, How heavy of a trailer do you have under it? Would a 2,500 lb. trailer do it? I think the one I have is over-kill.
The fact your over kill and not under kill is a good thing. its much better to have to much than to little.
I have seen way to many trailers under boats and other things that they should not be under. I was a mechanic for 12 years at a local marina and I would not sell or rig it if I felt it was not sufficient to handle the load on it.
just my $.02
X2 on that! I purchased a 16′ alumacraft lunker once thought it was a good deal for a new boat and it was but come to find out some of that good deal was because they put a smaller trailer under it to cut price some. It was a lesson learned. My new and current boat (Lund alaskan 16′) I made sure I had the correct size trailer. Make sure you get the right size trailer or bigger if possible you won’t be sorry. So if you are overkill a little that is good thing IMO.
I have a 17 pro angler lund with 75hp. Put a 3200 lb trailer under it. As others say its better to be overkill. I think that trailer is perfect for mine
Well, I need a license plate for mine. Which, a friend said, would take it up to 3,500 lbs. I thought I was getting a 3,000 lb. trailer. I just received my new license tabs, and it said on there GW 4,500 lbs.
I got 175 nav with a 115 opti and a kicker, I got premium trailer and its 3500 lb rating has been great…get oil bath hubs they r the cats
I think your so lucky to have the bigger trailer. Think about it, the trailer is rated for Boat, Motor, starting battery, and gas. Any thing more really starts to stress every aspect of the trailer, and stress points on the hull. If your like most of us, you’ve possibly added 2 if not 3 more batteries, electric motor, other electronics, and a hundred pound or more of tackle & rods/reels, & let’s not forget an anchor. Toss in a cooler with ice and bait, beverages & lunch, and hit the road. Trust us all, your not experiencing ‘over-kill’, your experiencing a ‘no-worries’ nights sleep and confidence on the road
If your boat is under the 3000lbs you can go to the DMV and have the trailer title re-structured to 3000lbs and get lifetime tabs. I have a single axle trailer on a Skeeter WX20000T and went to the DMV for a new plate because mine fell off and I questioned lifetime stickers being its a single axle and she said she can change the trailer title if the boats under 3000 so she changed and issued a new title and gave me lifetime stickers.
What you might want to do, to help your case with the DMV, is to take your rig to a certified scale (truckstop or such) and get a documented weight to prove your position.
i don,t understand. are you saying the new lic. is for a trailer up to 4500 lbs., or that dmv found that your trailer is rated for 4500 lbs? sounds like dmv makes it LEGAL to 4500, but that doesn,t make it PROPER to put 4500 lbs. on this trailer. i must be missing something.
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