I think I’ll try the 19. If it’s only 1 or 2….I’ll probably stay with what I have. Does come undone in “not so tight corners”.
You are beginning a journey that can get rather expensive. There is no formula for success except trial and error. Each manufacturer has their own geometry which reacts to boat and motor combinations very differently. Even similar boat and motor combinations respond differently to the same prop. If you can try your friends’ props it will be cheaper–but they will likely have to have nearly the same engine as you do. Do your research online using forums and user groups for relevant information to your boat and motor. Eventually you will have to take a risk on a prop. Good luck. I just ordered a custom prop for my Alumacraft Navigator 165 Sport. I bought and sold over 6 props to get to this point AND had my transom peened in the middle of the journey.
When you say “peened” I’m assuming the rolled the bottom edge down a bit, can I ask what for??
My 185 had porposing problems, they peened the edge and I lost 5 or 6 mph, ended up having them redo the edge and installing trim tabs.