Just the facts, buddy. You need to look up the definition of cherry picking, It resembles choosing certain ranges of years and using them as evidence that it’s hotter now than it’s ever been and obviously it’s the fault of internal combustion engines and air conditioning.
I came back from the deer stand in 2016 and was flabbergasted that Hillary lost. I would have killed my dogs before voting for her, so, no, I didn’t complain. I was all in for Ted Cruz,
For the record, I won’t be voting for him again. Even though, literally, all measurable financial things in my life, gas, groceries, taxes, customer orders and my salary, were better, I saw what decisiveness happened and it will be way worse next time. Even though I’m rural, have our needs covered for years, and can physically protect it all, I don’t want to witness the breakdown of polite society.