Ice gone….game on!

Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Leech Lake » All Hands On Deck!!
One could easily see water temps in the low 50 to mid-50’s by Opener. Memorial Weekend temps…or cold could hang in there from now until then and “normal” Opener temps will be the norm. Temps this past week on main lake ( Goose Island areas) were in the 47 degree range on sunny afternoons.
THX for the update Steve!
You are very welcome! I am VERY tired of talking fishery management issues etc. for the mess south of Leech as well as at Leech and beyond.
NO MORE!! ( for the next 6 months) I will ONLY post updates/fishing reports from now on…PERIOD. I am out of blood pressure pills…LOL
Steve even if the water temps get to 52-55 for the openor’ I would suspect that the usual 5-12 foot haunts that we hit on opening weekend will still be the target area’s right? I doubt we’d see a 15-25 foot bite yet…
Steve even if the water temps get to 52-55 for the openor’ I would suspect that the usual 5-12 foot haunts that we hit on opening weekend will still be the target area’s right? I doubt we’d see a 15-25 foot bite yet…
No doubt!! IMO, with the exception of Walker Bay and some of the mid lake main lake rocky areas in mid to late June, that “15-25” ft. plays very little (surely not a dominant role) role any time of year at Leech–IMO.–no matter how warm the water temps are.
As water temps warm, the bite gets easier as more bait options/presentations work–that’s all. A normal or later ice out will be more geared toward the jig/shiner bite vs. an earlier ice out/warmer water temps on Opener might mean leeches/crawlers/crank baits etc. will work well too.
I’ll get in line with a first week report. And echo Mr. Wilson and Mr. Bauerly and call the first week a good one!
I was on the water 4 times this past week and found consistent catching in about all the obvious areas–shorelines and off shore sand flats–6-12 ft. The keepers made up about half of the catch–the rest being “too big”. I fished spots from Bear Island areas to the Goose Island areas and in-between.
We caught as many on leeches/rigs and under bobbers as we did shiners and jig combo’s. The bobbers/leeches sunk often in the big waves in a couple places less than 100ft. off shore–5-6ft. of water.
Spinners/crawlers/bouncers should be on the top of their game any day now…with the lead core and cranks not too far behind them.
So–it’s game on! And it feels good…
It is summer –no doubt!
Our findings and catching the past few days has been ” no more spring fishing–bring on the summer stuff and spots.”
Bouncer/crawlers/spinners are now easy pickin’s in a little deeper water –in many mid lake/off shore areas. 13-16ft. is a good bet. Either the edge of mid lake rock ridges in those depths and or sandy flats not far from the “spring areas” in those depths are holding biters willing to hit the faster water covering presentations. Time to get the lead core/cranks out….???
On the other hand, and knowing the walleyes do NOT read the books many here read, the warmer water is also starting to move fish shallower. With waves rolling, 3 to 5ft. with the corks/leeches, is starting to happen and will only get better in the next few days of the HOT temps. Again–adjacent to the “spring spots” but up the hill. Right on shore?? Hmmm….lol 75 degree water–3 ft. deep–sun out? Books say no–but walleyes can’t read. “Whitecaps/anchor/corks”!
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