Algoma Report – 8/17 – 8/18

  • Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    It was a tough numbers game for us this last trip, but we made up for it in the size of the fish caught. Warmer temps have apparently been hindering the bite, especially south, as we were looking at consistent surface water temps at near 70 degrees. Some of the charters were apparently heading north to fish closer to Sturgeon Bay and put clients on fish, and most of the best success we were seeing came from those boats. We stuck closer to harbor and found the new moon to really shorten our bite window to the twighlight hours only. Most of the fish on the darker side of first or last light came on glow spoons, and when a bit brighter out, flasher-fly combos on lead away from the boat seemed to do the trick. Most fish were up in the water column (<30 FOW), so segmented leadcore in 3 and 4 colors got us bit. We also did well with a 7 color and full-core setup dragged straight down the pipe behind the boat. Greens and blues dominated all of our color choices, especially on the flasher fly end of things. Spoons were a bit more variable in terms of colors preferred. Dipsys and rigger rods were quiet for the most part, but there sure were alot of window shoppers on the downrigger presentations. The fish are there, so good luck to those heading out soon!


    1. salmon2015-0381.jpg

    2. salmon2015-0430.jpg

    3. salmon2015-0438.jpg

    4. salmon2015-0391.jpg

    5. salmon2015-0410.jpg

    6. salmon2015-0421.jpg

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