Lobster Lake Bassing Info

  • Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1974

    This is a request for some general info about Bassin on Lobster . I’ve never been there and have a club tournament on June 25th.

    From the DNR site as linked above it looks like clear water and good variety of weeds with a good bass population of small to medium sized fish.

    Does anybody know what a solid 6 fish limit weight should be?

    How about predominate patterns? Is it a good dock lake? Flats? Inside weedlines? Outside weedlines? Humps and Points? Deep Rockpiles? Slop? All of the above in good quantities?

    Is the lake a zoo on a nice saturday?

    Answers to these questions and any other info would be much appreciated. I plan to pre-fish at least one day.

    FYI- I will report back how I did a bit here and with more detail back on my blog.

    The BP

    Mankato MN
    Posts: 6

    pic of my lobster muskie

    hey ive fished lobster for muskies and i have caught many big bass by docks and lily pads

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