Alexandria fishing trip with my son Zach

  • bendvoracek
    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131

    I had a chance to fish again with Joe Scegura on my annual family vacation up to Alexandria last Monday June 18th. I took my son Zach with to try his luck on some walleye action. We met Joe out at the boat landing about 5pm for an evening trip. The weather was perfect in the low 70’s with stable weather over the weekend. I was a little concerned with a cold front and rain coming Tuesday and Wednesday hoping it wouldn’t come earlier than planned and put a twist into our trip.

    We used several techniques on this trip. We did bobber fishing, live bait rigging, and trolling cranks on weed edges. The most fun for me and my son Zach was bobber fishing. I have never done that with walleye before.
    We started out on the 1st spot and the walleye were eager to bite. We did catch a few keepers and a few smalls that were sent back to the lake to grow for next year. Joe decided to reel up and move to the 2nd spot. This was the most fun of the trip. Just after getting there and casting out our bobbers started to go under and bite was ON! Zach would catch a fish, and then I would get one. We had several doubles as well. It was almost like fishing for bluegill they were so aggressive and eager to bite.

    Later we tried live bait rigging with success also, but that requires a little more technique as you can get hung up in the “junk” and rip off your leech if you are not careful and “feel” what is on the end of your line.

    Last after dark we tried trolling cranks with some success. It was a new moon out and there was a hatch going on after dark that made it very difficult to fish due to the bugs flying all over. Every once in awhile the wind would die down to almost calm and the bugs would swarm you so bad that taking you’re had off and trying to swat them away was not working. Shortly after 10pm we called it a day and headed back to the launch.

    To sum up the trip is was truly a magical experience with my 7 year old son Zach and Joe. It is something we will remeber for a long time. The weather held and the fish cooperated. Everything aligned and we ended up catching over 40 walleye in a ½ day trip. We limited out on our 12 walleye limit in the 1st hour and 45 minutes of the trip. If you are looking into fishing the Alexandria area and want to get on the HOT walleye action give Joe a call. He is a great guide and person to fish with. Thanks for the excellent trip Joe

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Awesome read and pictures, Joe sure is good at putting smiles on faces
    Also an awesome job getting your son out on a trip that will be a memory forever etch in his head. Nice fish guys

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Congrats on a great trip!
    For sure, if I ever get over to the Alexandria area, I plan on give Joe a call as well.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Ben, great report! It looks like you got into some nice walleye fishing after we were out. It’s pretty amazing to watch a fisherman grow. You’ve fished with me for the past 3 years and I’d say you’re defiantly doing your homework in the off season. You know more and more every year and that’s obvious by that nice stringer of fish. Way to go!

    Now to brag up your boy Zach a little. This kid is only 7 and could fish circles around half the people I take out. His drive for fishing is unreal! His Dad (Ben) had to force him to stop for a couple minutes to eat some snacks. Most kids are only out there for the snacks. I can only hope if I have a boy someday he likes fishing half as much as Zach. He was so focused and absorbed any info his Dad or I threw at him. I think he had his own limit of nice walleye in about an hour. Putting a permanent smile on a kids face feels pretty great.

    Ben, I had so much fun fishing with you guys. Have a great rest of the summer Zach

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