Alexandria Area 2021 Ice and Lake Reports

  • Brad Muckenhirn
    Posts: 19

    Updates for 2021-2022 Ice and Lake Reports. Bait shop recommendations, corner bars, access points, meet ups and other recommendations.

    Brad Muckenhirn
    Posts: 19

    Update 12/21 from lakes I’ve personally been on.

    RENO—wheelers and a single permanent. 8 inches

    MARY-wheelers and a few permanents. 7-8 inches

    LOBSTER—saw no tracks off of landing. Did not attempt yet. Have not check

    IDA—took the wheeler out. 6-8”

    LE HOMME-wheelers and permanents. 6-8”

    Not as many houses around Alex as I would have thought. It is a Monday/Tuesday though.

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    Posts: 756

    Looking forward to 7 days at the cabin on Waska starting Friday afternoon. Guessing the area lakes will start to see a lot more activity come this weekend.

    Posts: 9271

    Minnewaska has been surprisingly quiet so far with fishing activity. At least on the Glenwood side.

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