Alex area ice reports

  • Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    How come in the Outdoor News reports there is nothing for Alexandria area lakes? I will be in the area next week Thursday and Friday. Probably fish Osakis panfish one day because I have some experience there, but I would also like to try somewhere else too. Panfish and the chance for some walleye would be good.

    Posts: 9309

    I haven’t been out yet but saw a ton of vehicles on Reno when I drove by today.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I put up reports all of the time on

    Here is this weeks report.

    12-22-17 Report

    Not much has changed since last week, other than the ice has gotten thicker. I’m finding 8″-12″ of ice nearly everywhere now, except for the few spots that froze over late. Keep an eye out for these areas. The easiest way to spot the thinner ice is by the noticeable difference in snow cover. As of today the thinner areas I’ve found were free of snow. From what I have seen these areas are located on the middle portion of the lake where the strong winds kept it open around the Thanksgiving time period. These areas will become less and less of an issue as we move through winter. For now just keep an eye out and check the ice thickness as you go and you will have no problem.

    We are still having decent luck on walleye in 10′-25′ foot of water. As always a minnow and a plain #2 or #4 hook is all you need. I’ve also been catching them on 1/8oz jigging spoons. Bounce these within a couple inches of the bottom as the sun rises or sets for the best chance at catching your walleye dinner. The panfish bite has also been quite good. Look in the shallow weeds during the day and the deeper basins in the evening. I’ve heard of quite a few 14″+ crappie being caught and released.

    We will be making a lot of ice over the next two weeks, so get those wheel houses ready!! I think there will be a lot of vehicle traffic by early January. Currently anglers are using ATV’s to move around the larger wheel houses. Check the ice thickness often and go have some fun!

    1. Nice-Alexandria-Walleye.jpg

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 74

    Anyone have any updated ice reports for the Miltona or Ida? Driveable ice?

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Yes there are people driving on both of these lakes. Being this is a weird ice year don’t take anything for granted. I’d recommend driving where others have or if you plan to venture, check the ice before you drive.

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 74

    Thanks Joe!

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    No problem. There is a lot of 18″+ ice in the area I just don’t want anyone to have issues. Have fun!

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 74

    Found around 19″ Saturday on Miltona. Trucks and wheelhouses were scattered. It was a cold one with the wind!

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