Sorry for the rant and long winded post. I live in the city of Hudson. We’ve had an Albino Squirrel in our neighborhood most of the year. He lives behind our house in a small patch of woods. It was fun to watch it. I took a picture of him on Tuesday afternoon at 2:02 pm as he was outside the back window taunting my cats (indoor house cats). He disappeared shortly after and I assume he ran into our front yard. I had the window open and was working from home. Within an half hour, I thought I heard an air rifle shot. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. I finished work at 4:30 and let the cats out in the back yard (fenced in). One of my cats (sneaky monkeybutt) bolted for the fence towards the front yard and got through a small hole. I ran around through the garage to go try and catch him. He normally just tries to hide under our big pine tree in the front yard. Sure enough, he was by the big pine tree but so was the dead albino squirrel. It was laying between the pine tree and my daughters bedroom window. Probably 5 feet from each. What a bummer was my first thought. My first thought was a dog or other animal got him. After I caught my cat and threw him in the house, I looked at the squirrel. It wasn’t chewed on or tore up at all. It had a small hole on one side and another on his other side. It looked like a BB or pellet. It also looked like it probably dropped it dead in its tracks. The only way you could see it where it died was from my front door or garage door or my neighbors front door or windows. You couldn’t see it from the street. I get along with that neighbor. He does have a son that graduated HS last year. My only guess was his kid did something stupid. I’ve seen him get home between 2 and 3 quite often but I didn’t see him on Tuesday. I saw his wife in the drive right after I found it but she was on the phone so I didn’t talk to her. I also didn’t think I should make any accusations either. They have been great neighbors. I should have probably called the Hudson Police but called the DNR tip line. I asked them what I should do to report it. They gave me the number of the Game Warden outside of Hudson. I covered the squirrel with a bucket where I found it and had to leave for my daughters swim meet. The Warden arrived within a half hour and talked to my wife and the neighbor lady. I also talked to my neighbor later that night and told him what happened. He said his wife had worked from home that day too. He didn’t say anything about his son being home. I just spoke to the warden again today and got an update. He confirmed he thought it was shot too. He said the neighbor said she was the only one home. He didn’t think there was much else he could do. I had already asked other neighbors if they saw anything between 2 and 4:30. One neighbor checked their security camera and no cars came in our cul-de-sac during that time other than me leaving to pick up my daughter from school and then bringing her to swimming. I’m still at a loss to explain who could have shot it. If anyone were to walk around our cul-de-sac with a BB/Pellet gun, someone would see them with so many people working from home. I like to shoot stuff as much as anyone and am not very fond of squirrels, but WTH would anyone feel the need to kill something that is so rare and then let it lay? Fortunately, I took alot of pictures of him this summer.
October 7, 2021 at 2:38 pm