
  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I know Gundy and I are going to be on Minnewawa for the opener. I will probably end up splitting some time between Minnewawa, Mille Lacs and Big Sandy. Is anybody else going to be up in this neck of the woods for the opener? If so what lakes are going to be fished? Good Luck, only like 19 more days

    Posts: 6

    I’ll be trying my luck on Minnewawa. Does this lake get alot of pressure on opener? If things don’t work out I might head over to Big Sandy and try it out.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Welcome aboard

    Minnewawa does seem to get quite a lot of pressure opening weekend. After that it seems to die off. Big Sandy all depends on where you fish. It is quite a “big” lake with a ton of structure and big bays. Have you ever fished either before?

    Posts: 6

    I have fished Minnewawa, we bought some land up there about a year and a half ago. I Caught a really nice 2.5 pound Walleye last year over 4th of July weekend. I haven’t been out on Sandy yet though.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Look me up on opener. I will be out there in a Black/Tan Crestliner with a 135 Mercury Optimax on the back. Look for the Black Lab in the boat also. Good Luck to you. I have not fished Minnewawa on opener for about 6 years now. I have either been on Mille Lacs or Big Sandy. I’m pumped because I know the sizes of Walleyes have gotten better in that time . PM me if you want to know any more about the lake.

    Posts: 9

    Bought some lake shore by the narrows last year. Building cabin right now. Will be out there for opener and all summer and fall. Last year caught a 3pound eye on opener, very cold. I have a blue crestliner with a 150 Suzuki. Good luck see out there.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Welcome aboard Chad !

    This is a great place! Check your PM’s. Look forward to seeing you on opener!

    Only 16 more days

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