Aguila 1 3/4 Mini Shell – Purpose ????

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I was looking thru the Mills Fleet Farm ad last week and saw a 1 3/4″ mini shot shell made by Aguila. Doing some research it is available in Bird shot, 4Buck (7 Pellets), 1 Buck (4 pellets), or Slugs. I am having a hard time understanding a use for them. Other than a increase capacity in a gun I cant seem to think of a Good use for them. I guess thay would make a OK home defense round if you find a need for LOTS of shots. In a home defense shotgun you could almost double the capacity. I guess at a speed of 1200FPS and 7 or 4 pellets the Buck shot would make a good defense round with somewhat less recoil – Not that recoil would be a factor if I needed a defense round. Has anyone here had any experience with these? Curious of what your thought were and what your reason was for the purchase. Here is the link if you are curious:

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    I am having a hard time understanding a use for them. Other than a increase capacity in a gun I cant seem to think of a Good use for them.

    I thought the information in the link you provided did a good job of explaining what these were designed for. I’m sure they are not expecting that everyone will have a need for their product.

    Posts: 756

    the slug loads have more energy at the muzzle than a 556 milspec round.
    the buckshot loads have more energy than two shots from a 9mm standard pressure load. and more energy than one shot from a .45 acp standard pressure load

    Toss in reduced recoil and increased magazine capacity along with ability to carry more rounds in an available space, and there’s the positives.

    They don’t feed reliably in all shotguns however, so extensive range time is required to verify they will operate in your gun. Federal is getting into the mini-shell market as well now, so I’d expect to see some offerings marketed towards reduced recoil hunting loads from them, as well as buckshot and slug loads.

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