Advise on buying my first I Pad……

  • iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    Having used a desktop computer for many years, I am thinking about getting an I Pad. I know nothing about them or how to use them.
    I am open to ideas on where to get some good advise and what would be a good start for me to start looking at.
    Not looking to spend a bundle starting out, just at the thinking and looking stage right now.
    Also thinking about tablets too.

    Thanks for reading, replies will be appreciated.

    The old geeze from the hills of Iowa

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    What would you like to do with it? What will be the primary task? That I might help you decided if an IPad is really the best tool for the job.


    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    Hey Rog,

    First, an iPad IS considered a tablet. iPad is a brand from Apple. I know my mother-in-law moved from a desktop, to a laptop to the iPad and she prefers the iPad over the other two. She has no need to do anything other than take and view pictures, eMail, read eBooks and use Skype for communicating with her friends and family.

    You can also get tablets with the Google Android operating system with the Samsung Galaxy being a popular choice. But for ease of use and better third party applications, I’d still choose the iPad over the others. iPads are more expensive than the others so if you want a more affordable tablet, the odds are that any device running the Android operating system will be a best value proposition.

    I think if you have no other needs for computing, a tablet makes great sense. Good luck in your research and decision.

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    I was a windows guy for years, because that is what we used at work. When I retired bought 2 IPad’s, mine and one for the wife. That worked out best since once she got one in her hands she never let go. The biggest down fall I have found is that you can’t view videos in the “wmv” format. I have learned to live with it. If you have other IOS devices and would like to be able to “air drop” files between the devices you need to make sure that the device you choose supports it. All in all, we rarely use our windows laptop anymore. Hope this helps

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I would probably just take pic , send em, email, talk on skype for the most part.

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I am wondering what I can expect to spend per month to be online with one of these devices.
    Can I tag on to one of the local systems like the school or other business and use their online service free.
    i am kinda dumb about this usage.

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    You can use any wifi service. Please use caution though if you intend to send and receive personal information or financial information. When using free wifi you can’t be sure who has access to your info.

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    It sounds to me like we would need our own wifi. I am wwondering how much that will cost.
    we will need privacy it sounds like that is part of it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    My advice about getting an iPad would be don’t get an iPad. Mrs. Grouse made the mistake of jumping on the iPad bandwagon early and then we found out the downsides.

    Too expensive, content is on Apple-only lock down, and once you get one, you are chained to Apple’s ecosystem for all your content, which means you are forever doomed to own an iPad if you want your content. Also, Apple is incompatible with some types of content or has restrictions on how you can use that content that make iPads a hassle.

    Get an Android table or a Kindle Fire. We’ve switched over to all Kindle Fires for both us and the kids and it works great. The devices are cheap, well supported, and we can share content so for example if the kids are along and don’t have their devices, they can get at their apps and movies through my device.

    Another reason to get the Kindle is with Amazon Prime you get free access to streaming movies and TV shows along with the usual goodies like free shipping and 2 day delivery. It’s no wonder Target is getting killed. Mrs. Grouse just did the school shopping for the Grouselets on Amazon Prime. Click, click, click. Done. Two boxes showed up yesterday. No more grubbing through disorganized piles at Target trying to find the 8 pack of markers.


    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I am wondering what the life expectancy is for a Kindle Fire?
    Is it advisable to get the top one or middle of the line?
    I checked and it is not pricey to be online with one.

    I see in the reviews that some have had problems with them, that is usual with anything, can’t please everyone.

    Posts: 72

    Samsung has a new tablet coming out soon for a third of the price and will do more than the ipad.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    I am wondering what the life expectancy is for a Kindle Fire?
    Is it advisable to get the top one or middle of the line?
    I checked and it is not pricey to be online with one.

    I have the Fire HD7 and I have had it since the first week they came out about 2 years ago, so I can tell you the Fire HDs last at least that long. mrgreen

    Bur Mrs. Grouse bought the original Fire when it first came out and that model is still in active use and works just fine and it’s over 5 years old. So bottom line is they last a long time.

    Amazon’s kind of sneaky, they make it pretty cheap to tempt you to upgrade to the next model for only 40 bucks more, but don’t buy more than you really want or need. Much of the “upgrade” is just screen res, faster processor, more memory, which only make sense if you really are going to be a gamer or if you’re going to try to use the Kindle as a get-work-done computer rather than just for entertainment.

    Tell you one thing. Once you get Prime, you’ll be hooked. In addition to all the stuff you get to watch on the Fire, all kinds of things that I used to go out to the store for just magically show up on the doorstep now. Some oil filters and spark plugs for my tractor just showed up today. It’s like magic.


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543

    Its not often that Grouse and I disagree, but we do on this one. I Got a kindle shortly after they can out. Used it for a year or so and just never liked it. Got a Ipad and in less than a week I was in love with it. Way more and better App’s were available for it. I mostly just surf the net, Send and receive emails, and play a few Games on it. I don’t think my family has opened the desktop 2 or 3 times since we got it. I’m now interested in one of the Surface Pro models. Best of both worlds. Tablet and Desktop ( Good for daughters school needs ) I think there are many Tablet’s and 2 in one units now available out there. Lets us know what you decide to get and how you like it.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Wife has a Kindle, I have a Samsung Galaxy Pad. Both of us are happy with the product. Zero problems with either device.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve got a Samsung Galaxy Tab S. My first was a lemon, but the replacement has been good. It got upgraded to Android Lollipop a while back, and I liked the previous Android better. (

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I bought my former gal a Kindle Fire 3-4 years ago and she still uses it and loves it.

    Regarding WiFi, do you have a smart phone? I have been using the mobile hot spot on my iPhone and it works great with my laptop.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543

    I bought my former gal a Kindle Fire 3-4 years ago and she still uses it and loves it.

    Regarding WiFi, do you have a smart phone? I have been using the mobile hot spot on my iPhone and it works great with my laptop.

    If using your Iphone as a mobile hot spot – be careful. You can eat Data rather fast if doing some activities – Like watching TV online, Downloading or watching Movies, or gaming. We learned this the hard way on a trip to Chicago recently. Better have a HUGE data plan for your phone.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DaveB wrote:</div>
    I bought my former gal a Kindle Fire 3-4 years ago and she still uses it and loves it.

    Regarding WiFi, do you have a smart phone? I have been using the mobile hot spot on my iPhone and it works great with my laptop.

    If using your Iphone as a mobile hot spot – be careful. You can eat Data rather fast if doing some activities – Like watching TV online, Downloading or watching Movies, or gaming. We learned this the hard way on a trip to Chicago recently. Better have a HUGE data plan for your phone.

    Or have your work pay for your mobile device and never see a bill.


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I have the 7″ Kindle Fire HD and I love it. I mostly use it to read books, but I occasionally use it for interneting when I have accessible WiFi. I’ve had it for almost 2 years and it’s worked great for me.

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I am still looking, I am thinking about getting a Kindle Fire HDX with 32 GB of memory.
    We are going to be shopping next week, looking at them at stores. We are green horns about this all.
    I appreciate all the advise here.
    I am wondering about the 32 gigs of memory.
    Also, I have my desktop backed up with one of those little hard drives, wondering if i can or should feed this info into a tablet or if it is even compatible.

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