Adding Hydraulic Lift to Shack

  • Jamie Kuranda
    Posts: 2

    Does anyone know where I can buy (or have someone install) hydraulic lift cylinders for my shack? I have the crank style with straps and the only place I’ve seen these around So MN is AlumaIce. They only build new units. Any advice is appreciated.


    Posts: 4800

    You would need to install a hydraulic pump, run all the hydraulic lines, wire it all in and totally custom make all the brackets to the frame and axles. Unless there is a kit you can buy for that but I’ve never heard or seen one before

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    Its not hydraulic but Castle Winch installs electric motors for crank houses.

    Posts: 12729

    I would add electric jacks much easier.

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