Acessories for your boat??

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13748

    I didn’t see sponges mentioned. I like them for cleaning up spilled soda, coffee, and general cleaning

    1. 4fa488428b077eb367474a057929c56a.jpg

    Posts: 5013

    I’d be curious as to how many people above are well over the weight capacity of their rig with a maxxed HP motor, full tank of gas, and the lengthy lists of stuff when they bring a guest or two. I pride myself on being able to back up to the garage, unhook the onboard charger, and be launched and idling up river in ~10 minutes flat. If I had to take longer or packed half the gear some have listed, I wouldn’t get out the 4 days a week that I do during the summer.

    What is really so heavy in any of these lists that would max out the capacity? An anchor? Typically that’s required anyway and mine weighs maybe 10pounds. Much of my equipment is stored in two medium sized Rubbermaid containers, I can carry them both with one hand if needed. And they are hidden out of the way in the back of the boat and stay there, I don’t even remove them for the winter, just open them up occasionally to make sure everything is still in there and in good shape.

    I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

    I’ve helped other people more with my kit than myself. But when I go to larger or more remote lakes, I’m thankful I have a little more peace of mind if I need to help myself.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8687

    Must haves:
    — throwable flotation device (depending on length of your new boat, it may be required)
    — enough life vests for you and all your potential occupants and in the proper size
    — Rain gear, nothing worse then getting caught out in a rain storm and fish are biting like crazy, especially if you are far away from home and want to stick it out
    — flashlights/headlamps
    — tools, I have a set that includes screwdriver bits, torx, ratchet set, allen wrenches, etc
    — pliers, linesmen pliers or bolt cutters in case you have to cut a hook, be prepared, don’t ask me how I know. LOL
    — first aid kit
    — extra rope
    — multiple anchors, I have a digger anchor and a 3 blade style
    — dock bumpers, nothing worse than your prized new possession getting all sorts of rash for the dock at a boat ramp.
    — measuring tape, I have an adhesive one that I stuck underneath the cover of the livewell
    — rod holders — I have flush mount Scottys which require you to drill holes into your new boat, yes, I was nervous about it at first, but I like the flush mount
    — an oar
    — I use an engel 19 quart cooler for live bait.
    — hand towels to wipe slime, etc off
    If you get a snap on cover, make sure they put the snaps beneath the rail on the outside of the boat. Many places will put it on the side and that makes it a magnet for catching your line, etc

    This was one person’s list with some things other people stated they would add. If you carry all of this along with the stove, rubber boots, spare bearings, etc. that were also mentioned “in containers with one hand” you must be the Incredible Hulk. shock

    My point was that I like to be able to make my trips without a ton of prep, at a moment’s notice to maximize opportunities. I keep a few specific emergency related items in my boat along with my tackle and rods. I’m a little OCD and can’t stand clutter or compartments stacked with crap. Living a few miles from the landing sure does help. I can see why some of these massive lists are included for long trips. It’d be overkill for my uncrowned weeknight runs.

    Posts: 5013

    I won’t argue as we will get nowhere. However I will say most everything you’re nitpicking is dependent on you’re requirements. Nobody is saying you MUST bring boots and a stove on a quick evening trip but it sure as heck may be a requirement in the middle of Canada.

    I will say however every boat should have most all of the tools and hardware listed on this thread, which is exactly what I was referring to.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13748

    Also, a number of things listed are not always carried in the boat. I have a tool box kept in my truck at all times. I have small containers with electrical connectors, larger tools,….that don’t go in the boat. I have a very basic tool pouch in a compartment in the boat. If a repair requires more…back to the launch.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1830

    2X: Spare hub packed with grease and fresh bearings and dust cap. Spare prop, prop nut. Spare troller prop/pin/nut. Basic tool kit/supplies. Make sure your lug wrench fits both the trailer lugs and tow vehicle. I carry a collapsible push pole which has gotten my out of a few jams and off a few stumps.

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