Access restrictions coming to a lake near you

  • ClownColor
    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    it was shot down. See attached letter from DNR

    Can you also post a link? My eyes can’t read the screen shot.

    UPDATE: Never mind…you just need to open in another window.

    Thanks EVERYONE!

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Excellent news, guys. Thanks to everyone who mades emails and phone calls. That’s a very sensible response, especially points 6 and 7.

    Posts: 1507

    I’m almost Giddy Does this mean the existing one is a no go also?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Wade do you have any idea where your inspectors trained at? What was all involved in the training?

    I do not. I assume somewhere in the DNR as they have that DNR paperwork and whatnot when you chat with them.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    A good thing indeed. I always had a hunch the DNR was not going to accept this. They do not want to deal with this on a county by county basis which is why they asked Wright county to show how this program would be expanded beyond Wright county. DNR knows it can’t be. Not every county is laid out geographically the same. Imagine trying to do this in St. Louis county for instance! You may have to drive a hour out of your way to get to a inspection station.

    The DNR is not against the Wright county proposal per say in my opinion they just need a way to apply it logically and efficently across the state.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Anybody get any response except a canned generic e-mail? ( I didn’t even get that)

    I sent an email to everyone on the list and as mentioned several to the commish and did not hear back directly other than to say what a surprise in the DNR response! The system works! I was getting so jaded that I thought the emails a waste of time but sent just in case. Glad I did. razz

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    (Turning off replies)

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I can’t find any record of this announcement. Even the official Wright County site doesn’t have mention of it. It does mention the earlier proposals.

    Ford Guy 1, where did you find that?

    Ford Guy 1
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 85

    It was posted in the “Wright County: Annandale Boat Inspection Program…” Facebook page.

    Posts: 1507

    Thank you every one who sent emails I know I sure did. After reading this does this mean the other pilot is dead also the Sylvia Pleasant, John lakes? I hope so says they need to be inspected on the way out defeats there purpose doesn’t it?

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    It was posted in the “Wright County: Annandale Boat Inspection Program…” Facebook page.

    Thanks. People are all worked up on there trying to get answers about the three existing lakes in the pilot program: John, Sylvia, and Pleasant.

    Based on initial responses from DNR staff to the emailers, all signs point to the entire program being killed. Looks like the DNR has up until April 15 to decide.

    Posts: 1507

    I sure hope they kill it! I always said leave the inspections at the lake worked great for me and I do appreciate the second set of eyes checking my boat at the end of the day! Glad the DNR woke up on this.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Letter from MnDNR to Wright County SWCD

    1. WCIP-MnDNR.pdf

    Posts: 55

    Dutchboy wrote:
    Anybody get any response except a canned generic e-mail? ( I didn’t even get that)

    I sent an email to each of the DNR contacts that were posted here in IDO stating my opposition to the program and mentioned some specific concerns that I had regarding lake property owners.

    I was pleased and impressed to recieve a reply from one of the DNR staff that was not a canned generic email that specifically addressed a question that I posed. I felt at least a tiny bit like my concerns were at least heard since my email led to someone feeling the need to answer a question that I asked.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was pleased and impressed to recieve a reply from one of the DNR staff that was not a canned generic email that specifically addressed a question that I posed. I felt at least a tiny bit like my concerns were at least heard since my email led to someone feeling the need to answer a question that I asked.

    I can’t say enough about Heidi Wolf’s commitment to listening to the public and responding. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was named commissioner down the road.

    Posts: 1507

    Heidi should be commended for her hard work. I have had the pleasure of speaking with her in person and through phone/email a outstanding worker. I called the Wright county commissioners and left messages for the absolute is this all done and over now? I think at this point we all need to work together and number 1 is check your boats.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I can’t say enough about Heidi Wolf’s commitment to listening to the public and responding. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was named commissioner down the road.

    Well doesn’t that automatically disqualify her from becoming the commish?

    I kid I kid. rotflol maybe shock

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001


    Posts: 55

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>2aforlife wrote:</div>
    I was pleased and impressed to recieve a reply from one of the DNR staff that was not a canned generic email that specifically addressed a question that I posed. I felt at least a tiny bit like my concerns were at least heard since my email led to someone feeling the need to answer a question that I asked.

    I can’t say enough about Heidi Wolf’s commitment to listening to the public and responding. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was named commissioner down the road.

    It was indeed Heidi that responded to my questions. I agree 100% Brian!

    Posts: 55

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>2aforlife wrote:</div>
    I was pleased and impressed to recieve a reply from one of the DNR staff that was not a canned generic email that specifically addressed a question that I posed. I felt at least a tiny bit like my concerns were at least heard since my email led to someone feeling the need to answer a question that I asked.

    I can’t say enough about Heidi Wolf’s commitment to listening to the public and responding. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was named commissioner down the road.

    Brian, it was indeed Heidi Wolf that replied. I certainly gained a lot of respect for her just by that simple act to reply to my concerns out of likely many, many emails that were received on the topic. I was very intentional about not sending a generic canned letter to voice my opposition and made it a point to specifically state a few actual concerns that I had. I’m not sure if that contributed to the decision to send a response, but I’m sure they saw many canned emails on both sides of the issue.

    The commitment to listening to the public and responding will certainly be a positive thing

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I received a response from Heidi, too. Very nice.

    She made a good point in that we don’t know for sure that Starry Stonewort was introduced to Pleasant Lake during the pilot inspection program; we only know that it was discovered during that timeframe.

    Posts: 20

    Reads to me that Wright Co. can continue the 3 lake regional inspections/decontamination station. By amending the new plan back to 2018 plan(3 lakes). They will have to have a hearing if the ordinance fine structure remains in place(2019 plan). If another hearing is held we need to over fill with individuals opposing the plan, so far the Wright Co and the Mn DNR have only tried to appease the Lake shore owners associations. I firmly believe the DNR did not address the public waters/public access issue at all. The DNR wants regional inspections.

    Posts: 27

    Here is a link to the latest on this.
    It is dead for now. They may try to spin this in the future, so watch for other clever ways they will try to privatize the lakes.
    See the full board discussion in the video replay, the boat inspection topic starts at 1:49:50

    Posts: 27

    It is dead for now. They may try to spin this in the future, so watch for other clever ways they will try to privatize the lakes.

    Well, that didn’t take long. The power brokers are flexing their muscles and moved this away from the DNR and into the purly political relm. I guess their lobbyist did their job. Back to emailing, now to your congressman. The Senate has already screwed us and now the house is our only hope. Let them know how you feel.

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