Above Coon rapids dam

  • Youbetcha
    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Hey guys!
    I tried fishing above the coon rapids dam in July and the current was insane. ended up with a handful of smallmouth and one drained trolling motor battery. Now that it is lower has anyone been out and having success for smallmouth? Is it worth fishing below the 169 bridge or just running north of it from the get go? any river smallmouth tips in general would be much appreciated! I would launch from the lower rum river boat access or the access on the Mississippi by Ramsey.
    Thanks guys!

    Posts: 7348

    Find rocks or riprap and fish the base where it transitions to sand. All too often above and below that dam guys cast top water or shallow running baits and catch 12-14″ fish all day long and wonder where the big fish are. That’s fine in shallower clearer waters but the bigger fish like hanging deeper in current.

    Fishing the 2nd or 3rd pillars out from the 169 bridge north side also held fish for me, including some eyes. Front back sides, find the structure and fish it accordingly.

    It’s been a few years since I concentrated my efforts up there and typically went for channels when I did, but it’s a good spot to fish. Lil boat traffic until all the pontoons show up later in day.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Awesome i will for sure have to give that a try. I just realized your quote now too rotflol

    Posts: 155

    If you get North of the 169 bridge watch your depth..she gets a little shallow and rocky..didn’t have to worry about it so much when the water was high but was out there last week and saw rocks that I’d never seen before..and big ones at that.

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