My Father really surprised me with this. I can only imagine the satisfaction he felt in handing this to me. It’s been previously discussed, and I know where all the firearms will go when he passes. But he dug this one out and handed to it me and just said “you take this one home”
I haven’t verified the year by serial number and will do that at some point. But by his story it’s from about 1947 or ‘48. It was bought new when he was 11 or 12. The amount of grouse shot with this one is indescribable.
This is also the very first firearm that I ever shot. Remember that moment like yesterday. Was around 8 years old. Dad wadded up a light jacket and set it over my shoulder. He loaded it and handed it to me. Seemed like an hour lecture on shooting and safety, but I finally got to shoulder it up. Wobbly as all heck, I blasted a Pabst can on a log at about 40 feet away.
When I very first started hunting, he did the old school method. Handed me this shotgun, 5 shells, and just told me no t to miss. Chased rabbits, squirrels, and my favorite game – grouse. Learning to shoot grouse with a single shot is a hell of a lesson for a kid. Something that has stuck with me to this day. Wasn’t allowed to swat them on the ground. Dad was hard core about shooting birds in flight. But aside from me learning with this gun, I have witnessed my father make numerous amazing shots on grouse with it. Memories that I will cherish forever
Amazing the history created and all the stories engraved in my mind from a very basic and simple shotgun.