A Note RE Pool 4 and warm water discharge

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Nick just posted this in the Mississippi Walleye forum.

    “We just got word from the plant that they plan to begin discharging warm water within 12-24 hours. I don’t know how quickly the ice conditions will deteriorate, but between that and the warm weather forecast for the next week or so they may change dramatically and potentially rapidly.
    Please use extra caution when recreating in the Upper Pool 4 area.”

    Posts: 12780

    Yikes. Be careful out there people. I would think it could deteriorate rather quickly, but also wouldn’t want to find out how quickly.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    I feel like the plant should almost have to do a “PSA” on the radio or tv so it gets the word out! So many people don’t know and especially this year.

    Posts: 4802

    there was alot of people out there last weekend. hopefully there will be no issues like last year

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Evert’s FB post:

    I have had many phone calls regarding when we will be opening our launch back up. This is not a question we are able answer to at this time.
    We are aware that the temperature is predicted to be much warmer but until we see that the river is thawed and there is not large ice pieces coming down river, we will remain closed!
    We want to assure safety for everyone.
    Please be patient and continue to check our FB page for updates.
    We are just as anxious as everyone else to get back up and running but safety has to be our 1st concern.
    Thank you.

    Posts: 609

    Yes – be EXTREMELY careful and remain diligent safety wise. There will be open water off the point within a week and irregular ice thickness conditions everywhere else out there (already is). As an adult – you want to take the chances so be it – but PLEASE PLEASE leave your kids or youngsters at home. They are always looking for us at their young ages to make the right decisions for them. Like BuckyBadger, I have grown up in Frontenac for over 50 years and fished Methodist the same. It is going to get extremely dangerous REAL fast!

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