A Nice Ending to a Customer Service Issue

  • mahtofire14
    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    I finally decided to buy a custom cover for my Nitro as it didn’t come with one when I bought it used. I found a company that had a cover for my exact boat. Looked nice, specs were great, so I ordered it. $450. Got it a few days ago and it did not fit my boat. Needless to say I was pretty pissed. I sent them an email explaining what the problems were I was having along with the pictures below. They responded in less than 24 hrs and over the course of the next two days sent my email up a few levels within their company trying to figure out what happened. Today I got an email with the answer. The wrong product number had been entered when my order was taken and I was shipped the wrong cover. They told me they would start production on the correct one today and put a rush on it and will ship it to me when it is done. I also don’t have to send the cover I have now back to them.

    I am very happy with the results of this. It was timely, they seemed like they genuinely wanted to figure out what happened, and I don’t have to spend a dime. SavvyBoater.com is the website I ordered from. They have a lot of boat covers so maybe check them out if you’re in the market. The cover I received, while it was the wrong size, is very nice. Looking forward to the one that fits just right.

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    2. 0D34DFB9-5483-4BB3-9564-F9C47A896C00.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17335

    I really liked the Nitro I had. I like the colors of yours. Congrats on finding a good company to work with.

    Posts: 760

    Definitely a rarity to find a company that actually cares about customer service these days. I’ll make a bookmark of SavvyBoater.com for future reference.
    Positive reviews are becoming scarce also, thank you for sharing.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12529

    Glad they stepped up and took good care of you. Hopefully the new one fits correct. The one you received looks like it would fit perfect if not for the trolling motor and windshield. I bet you could find someone who could use the one you received and offset some of you cost on the purchase.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Yeah I’ve been thinking about that. Might keep it as a backup. It’s on the boat now and even with the slight openings it is keeping the boat nice and dry.

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