My Family my friends and I,have been long time renters at the Red Door, this is the first time I a can ever remember calling on Wednesday and getting a lakeside cabin on Friday. I went for a walk this AM there was not a single car at the motel, less than half the cabins are occupied. Talk about playing into the hands of your opponent. These people up here need your buisness, there are three boats that I can see from the point. If you don’t help out up here these great communities will become part of the Mile Lacs Band. All of the efforts to save the Mile Lacs fisheries from the DNR & the Mile Lacs band mean absolutely nothing, when the very group of those who urine and moan about the Lake have abandoned those who are still here. Put your selfish pity away for the next several seasons and come on up to help these businesses. I would love to see a bunch of boats out during the October full moon trolling for Northerns, or Muskies, or Smallmouths and if you just happen to hooked up with a Walleye so be it, let him go.

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