
  • goosehunter
    Posts: 147

    I set up a blind the other day to take my 81 year old grandpa turkey hunting tommorow, so I went out to check things out tonight and it was gone. I just thought it blew away so I waked all the way around the field and about 100 yards into the woods, as I started to think about it more, I figured there was very little chance it blew away since I had it staked down with 7, 13 inch stakes. And it was behind a wind break. people like this just pissed me off! They need to learn to leave stuff that isn’t thiers alone!

    Posts: 9330

    If it was private property not owned by you did you touch base with the owner to make sure they don’t have it?

    Posts: 147

    Gave him a call, he didn’t have it or saw anything.

    Posts: 191

    That sucks. I’m paranoid with leaving my blinds up, let alone cameras. I now either take my blinds home or take them down and leave them at the spot where I plan to hunt the next morning

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