A great family is in need of help – Daughter drugged (possibly at Summer Fest)

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    This is a very terrifying situation to kick off the 4th of July holiday.

    My daughter Olivia was at Summerfest in Milwaukee Wednesday the 28th to see Red Hot Chilli Peppers with her best friends. Just before RHCP took the stage, her friend Frankie Poff became sick in an almost indescribable manor. Olivia said she was shaking, dizzy, wanted to vomit,….and it was escalating extremely fast. They took her to a medical tent, where she was then transferred to a hospital.

    Apparently, she was given a form of rat poison or something in that line of toxins. The girls don’t know how it happened because they drank bottled water and nothing was unattended. The sick monkeybutts that do this crap are quite sly, and all too often go unnoticed. But Kudos to the EMTs and others that acted quickly to get her help. By the time she reached the hospital, she was near death. She has a long road of recovery ahead of her and I can only imagine what long term issues she may have from this.

    Its just absolutely horrific that anyone or any family/friends would have to encounter anything like this. Just as easily could have been my daughter, one of the others….or all of them. Just sickening to think about how easily this could have been much worse.

    I am asking if anyone has the financial ability to assist, could you please consider contributing something. I generally wouldn’t ask but this has really hit home. This is a very good family that is in desperate need. The medical costs between the deductibles and co-pay will be outrageous and outside of the family means.

    A Go-fund-me page has been set up to assist with the first round of deductibles. For anyone that has seen the bills for being in ICU for days, you know first hand how crazy expensive this will be.

    I thank everyone for their consideration in helping this family out. I can not emphasize enough how genuinely grateful and appreciative this family is.

    LINK – GoFundMe – Frankie Poff

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Yep, it’s a sick world. Hopefully your daughters friend recovers and is ok. I would assume it was something eaten, maybe at the festival? If so it will give the police a good starting point for searching for this wack job. Hopefully they can locate them and hang a attempted murder charge around their neck.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ve been out of town and haven’t gotten all the details yet. Pretty crazy around here.
    I’m more favorable to “Hang” than an attempted murder flame

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Agreed. I’ll be in favor of hanging or shooting once the facts are in. Keep us posted.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    That’s terrifying, hope everything works out. There are some sick people out there…

    Posts: 1699

    Done, the latest update says:

    “Frankie has had 5 seizure like episodes so far today. The frequency has increased but the severity has decreased. She is still nonverbal afterward but for less time than before. Has taken a few steps to the bathroom with 2 assist and continues with the tremors. Had an MRI today which was negative. Started physical therapy today as well. Has eaten very little and has no appetite. Has had nausea. Was moved out of ICU to try to make things a little “quieter” for her.
    Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Frankie is doing her best to remain positive even though she is very frustrated that she cannot perform the simplest of things. Please continue to pray for her recovery.”

    Posts: 1699

    Who is Pamela Schmitt in all this?

    The GoFundMe page was Created July 2, 2017 by Phoebe Poff on behalf of Pamela Schmitt, so that’s a bit confusing and may be impacting contributions.

    Posts: 1148

    Is it possible it was somehow an accidental exposure?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Who is Pamela Schmitt in all this?

    The GoFundMe page was Created July 2, 2017 by Phoebe Poff on behalf of Pamela Schmitt, so that’s a bit confusing and may be impacting contributions.

    Pam is Frankie’s Mother.

    Is it possible it was somehow an accidental exposure?

    Can’t rule that out…but its highly unlikely. The girls had been together all day, and then off to the concert that afternoon. According to Olivia, it hit Frankie really fast. She was perfectly fine one minute, then getting sick the next. Until more details are identified, we don’t know for 100% what/where. Just doesn’t make any sense that it happened anywhere else based on what we know.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This is nuts.

    Keep us updated Randy.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    “Its just absolutely horrific that anyone or any family/friends would have to encounter anything like this.”

    Randy that says so much! So many victims involved but the upmost importance is those immediate to the event. I know we all know this but its better than a rant going through my mind.

    Posts: 1699

    What was that about 30 years ago when some a-hole was going around and putting rat poison in Tylenol capsules and then switching bottles on store shelves?

    Posts: 1699

    Pam is Frankie’s Mother.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I showed this thread to Ma and we sat and read and re-read it a couple of times. This is just beyond comprehension. Our prayers go to that young lady and her family as well as her companions that day. This has to be incredibly hard for them to deal with.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727


    Get well soon Frankie.


    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281


    Hang tough Frankie. We’re all pulling for you.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    I pray for Frankie but I think it is important that no conclusions be made before all facts are in order.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Just a quick update.
    Things are still pretty rough for Frankie. She is still having seizures trigger3d by bright lights or concentrating too hard. Can’t engage in games or anything where she needs to think or concentrate very hard.

    Additionally, my wife read another case on Facebook with nearly identical situation. They have the same concern that it happened at Summerfest.

    From a personal level, I just want to express my thanks to those that have jumped in to help financially. It is very much appricated bow

    Posts: 5139

    Randy, I wonder if alerting a news station of this to make it public would help? If not for Frankie but at least for future victims?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ve called and submitted a couple emails. I guess the “Big gig” is more important

    Posts: 4941

    Randy, I wonder if alerting a news station of this to make it public would help? If not for Frankie but at least for future victims?

    Contact Fox 9 News in the Twin Cities that Tom Lyden is a roving report and seems to be a hound dog on these stories.
    Esspecialy If Summerfest is trying keep the news quiet.

    Posts: 4941

    On a side note; the more people who contact a news organization the more likely they will respond.

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