My grandson bought a home last fall that came with a small fridge/freezer in the garage. He put a full-sized unit in his new playroom and gave me the smaller one. I figured it was just right for a beverage fridge. Tonight, I popped the door open to see what I had in there and darn I have like six different beers in there. No idea how that happened. Shiner Boch, Modelo Negra, Blue moon, Busch Light, Castle Dangle Cream Ale, and even a couple stray Hamms. The better half is away for four days so I decided to have one of each tonight. I might even top it off with a couple shots of bourbon.
This is maybe 1/3 the size of a standard fridge…. how in hades can I end up with this many kinds of beer when I only buy maybe two or three of these mentioned.