On the label of many spray cans it says “DO NOT INCINERATE”. So what’s a kid who grew up the first 9 years of his life in North Mpls (no not that north Mpls, it was almost Brooklyn Center) supposed to do with everyone having a burning barrel. We chucked one in a burning barrel one block over from our house and stood back about 30 feet. I don’t know where it flew to
when it exploded since we “ducked and covered” and then ran.
In high school a friend put a shotgun shell on the ground with the primer towards us. Shot it with a shotgun and the hull came whizzing back at us. Went at looked and there was a little pile of lead pellets where it was.
Anyone else build forts in the cement block yards on the Mississippi river just north of Camden? We were doing that at 8-10 years old. My brother and I would have definitely gotten into more serious trouble if we didn’t move out to the burbs.
One time we were walking on the train trestle crossing the river at Camden. Kind of cool cuz you could see the river through the ties. Well, we were about a third of the way across and we heard a train coming. Walking on railroad ties is kind of tricky but you learn to run on them when a train is coming. It wasn’t a close call but close enough.