a BIG thank you

  • puddlepounder
    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    A big thank you goes out to all the LITTER PIGS that left all of their fishhouse blocking out on the ice.
    ****NEWS FLASH****
    that wood you used to block up your fishhouse does not sink, evaporate, or otherwise go away, it Floats and ends up on the shoreline and somebody has to pick it up and dispose of it. You people are as low as carp poop, no different than the guy who throws his beer can/bottle out the window of his vehicle. Thanks again for your efforts and next winter may your vehicle find out if it floats or not. My rant is over now.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17347

    Some people are just pure amazing!

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    I am not talking about a few pieces of wood here and there, there are many, many thousand chunks of wood anywhere from a 6″ 2×4’s to 24″ 8×8’s and everything in between.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17347

    Oh I understand. I remember being around the lake several years ago and seeing the mess the pigs left behind. Makes you wonder what their house looks like doesn’t it.

    Won’t be long and the cops will be able to track every single house that goes on the lake. I would love to see several hundred dollar fines for those who trash the lakes.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    A big thank you goes out to all the LITTER PIGS that left all of their fishhouse blocking out on the ice.
    ****NEWS FLASH****
    that wood you used to block up your fishhouse does not sink, evaporate, or otherwise go away, it Floats and ends up on the shoreline and somebody has to pick it up and dispose of it. You people are as low as carp poop, no different than the guy who throws his beer can/bottle out the window of his vehicle. Thanks again for your efforts and next winter may your vehicle find out if it floats or not. My rant is over now.

    Tip ups need to be labeled with a name,,,,,,,,,,, maybe you could start a push asking the DNR to require labeling on all blocking materials. Yes, I am dead serious.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    Minnow traps and furbearer traps need to have a name tag attached. I don’t expect any law change, its just a pet peeve of mine every spring. It is also out of site, out of mind, skid house owners are gone in the spring and don’t see the shores littered with the wood blocks. By the time they are running there $75,000 disco ranger across the lake at 65mph or better on opener, most have already made it to shore.

    Posts: 292

    The resorts pull skid houses off the lake and most house owners are not there when they are pulled off. I doubt the resort owners care to spend their time chipping wood blocks out of the ice. Wood as long as its not treated is much better than aluminum cans and the thousands of other things tossed in our lakes.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    I would say it is about a 50/50 mix of treated over not treated. An easy solution to the problem is when you get your house ready to pull in, YOU, THE OWNER OF THE FISHHOUSE, must have ALL blocking removed or the resort won’t pull it off the ice, or tack on an added charge for those that don’t want to pick up there litter and have the resort pick it up for them.

    Posts: 292

    Its a shame most people wouldnt think to use non treated wood. I leave my house on land and have never pulled it out, just know people who do. Sounds good to charge for picking up blocks. Whatever it takes to keep our lakes clean.

    Posts: 1552

    I feel your pain PP. Last spring I dinged my prop on a 12″ piece of 4×4. I was out crappie fishing right after ice out and it put enough of a ding in it to vibrate when taking off. Talk about a WTH moment when I saw the chunk of wood surface from my prop wash.

    I ice fish too and always carry a chisel so if I screw up and let it sit too long I can always chisel the chunks out. I really think responsibility is becoming a thing of the past and that’s pretty sad.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    The resorts pull skid houses off the lake and most house owners are not there when they are pulled off. I doubt the resort owners care to spend their time chipping wood blocks out of the ice.

    The resort is getting PAID to remove the fish house from the ice. That SHOULD include removing ALL the blocking from the ice as well.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Now just hold on here! ( tongue in cheek)…if the wood blocks don’t wash into the beaches every spring, what would all the cabin owners who have fire pits do every nice summer evening? Are you saying these people should be deprived of firewood for their back yard fire pits? And I go without kindling for my wood stove next winter? Just hold on here….

    In fact, MOST cabin owners get deprived of having wood blocks wash up on their beaches as their places were on the up wind side of the lake the first few days after ice out. Just sayin’! ” thank you”.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I haven’t pulled my house for about 10 years, but leaving blocks and trash used to bug the crap out of me when I did pull it. Our group was usually one of the last ones off our end of the lake each year and we would spend half a day chipping out blocks and picking up garbage. I don’t own property on the lake, but felt very sorry for the people that did, plus I sure as heck didn’t want to hit that crap with my boat come spring.

    I sure as heck wouldn’t allow the resort to pull my house if I wasn’t there. I have a lot of time and money in my house. I was always there when they pulled it.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I welcome anyone to help with the lake cleanup after the season.

    At the resort we pick up the blocks as many as possible. Garbage bags of waste and “human waste” yes….that’s right (poop) it’s left in the snow banks along side of the fish houses. Its unbelievable sometimes the crap they leave. I make a list and turn it into the office once we are done, not sure what happens after that? This last March we had three pickup beds full of blocking. And yes we missed some out there.

    It’s too bad that we have some that don’t care about our lake we care so much about

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    I welcome anyone to help with the lake cleanup after the season.

    At the resort we pick up the blocks as many as possible. This last March we had three pickup beds full of blocking. And yes we missed some out there.

    It’s too bad that we have some that don’t care about our lake we care so much about

    I just want to say; THANKS, you’re efforts are appreciated.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I usually take one or two days off of fishing towards ice out to pick up crap from my fathers lake. German becomes a city in the winter, and most people don’t clean up after themselves. Last year, I chiseled up a 10’x20′ chunk of carpet remnant…Being he lives on the south side, the wind blows EVERYTHING to his shoreline. There’s some real disgusting people out there…

    There was a time a few years ago I was out on my ATV and saw a truck out there being jacked up. I drove over to see if he needed help and he said “nope, changing my oil”. Well I was concerned about it so I wrote down his license plate. A few hours later, he drives off the lake with the truck. I head over to take a look and he got MAYBE 1/2 of the oil in a pan. The DNR was very happy to pay him a visit.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    This thread doesn’t even account for ALL the trash that is left behind to line the bottom of the lakes. Unfortunately I’ve seen smaller landlocked lakes that were once open to the public in winter shutdown to any public for this very reason. People are fricken slobs and it is disgusting to say the least.

    PACK IT IN PACK IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Littering probably one of my biggest pet peeves.

    Yours, mine and probably 90% of people like us. Problem is those self indulgent 10% make a whole lot of messes.

    I know a lot of us spend a lot of time picking up other people’s crap.

    I’m sure we all know or have met the type of people who do this. They lead miserable lives with miserable attitudes. Sometimes when I pick up the trash I take a moment to say thanks that I am not like that.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    This I know for sure, “bobber” bob Carlson not only takes care of the lake, he also cleans the ditch along highway 47 twice a year. Thank you bob for all you do. Every resort/ice fishing operation I have been to around the lake has dumpsters on shore for trash, its not that difficult. The lazy litter pigs just don’t care and leave it on the ice, that wont change because they most likely have been that way all their life.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Yours, mine and probably 90% of people like us. Problem is those self indulgent 10% make a whole lot of messes.

    I think based off the loads and loads of trash I remove from my small lake every year there is a lot more than 10% of the people that litter. I’d estimate it at more like 50% of the people. I don’t see this changing anytime soon either.

    The second problem is I see plenty of “non litterers” just walk by trash all the time. I see it in the summer while boating and on the ice. The mind set is, “it’s not mine”. Teach by example and pick up trash if you see it. My kids can’t walk by trash without picking it up and yes I’m very proud of that. If everyone picked up what the saw our lakes would be spotless.

    I challenge everyone to go out of there way to pick up garbage and it WILL catch on.

    Nice work Bob it sounds like you’re doing more than your share! Keep it up!

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Ice was melting down in Wausau just before this post when I was at a birthday party my 7yr old girl was attending. After, we took a few of the kids to a park along the lake just because it was such a nice day out. Kids playing along the rotted ice shoreline came across someone’s trash-empty water bottles, cans, etc. I was watching them, and on their own took it upon themselves to clean it up. More, they spent the next hour scouring the shoreline with sticks dragging in every bit of trash they could find. Dad ended up hoofing it back to the car lugging three salvaged plastics bags of misc. garbage and a cooler lid…THEN they made sure I put anything recyclable into the recycle bin and not the regular garbage! laugh It was, and is still, a real proud and humbling moment for me…three 7 yr olds’ who didn’t question, never said “It’s not OUR problem”; only decided that something needed done and by God, they could do it. I LOVE that these kids did this, and have it in their young brains that that’s how it should be! Anyway, I pick up a lot of other people’s crap when out on the ice, in the woods, etc. but that day they set an example for me. grin
    THANK YOU to all out there who take the time to pick up and pack out-and even more so to those(and there are more than you think) who go the extra and take the time to pick up and pack out when OTHERS DON’T! applause applause applause

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The second problem is I see plenty of “non litterers” just walk by trash all the time. I see it in the summer while boating and on the ice. The mind set is, “it’s not mine”. Teach by example and pick up trash if you see it. My kids can’t walk by trash without picking it up and yes I’m very proud of that. If everyone picked up what the saw our lakes would be spotless.

    I wouldn’t classify people who don’t pick up after other people as a problem. Quite frankly I don’t blame them, its not their responsibility. I take it upon myself many times, but certainly not every time, to clean up where I can.

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