MN Bowfishing’s New Chapter!

  • mncarpediem
    Posts: 34

    As we all prepare for a new chapter for MN bowfishing starting 12:00am May 1st, I would like to remind everyone to please follow all laws. So much work has been put into this sport the past 4 years to get us to this point and now we need to continue to show our supporters we are (and always have been) responsible and ethical sportsmen and sportswomen. From boating laws to the db requirements and setbacks, following ALL laws is our responsibility! Find areas to night bowfish with no cabins/houses; property owners have the right to enjoy a good night sleep while we are out enjoying our sport. I wish everyone a great season and would like to ask folks to help support the Land Lakes Bowfishing Association as we continue to work at improving bowfishing in MN. Thanks and happy bowfishing!

    Sincerely, Brian Petschl
    LLBA Legislative Director

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    I thought this was going to be about dogfish.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 433

    Thanks and good luck!!!

    Posts: 1009

    wish it were open now with the red horse starting to run thick. could use them in the garden!

    man i cant wait this sport is such a blast especially now that we can night fish!

    Posts: 9330

    The season’s almost here!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Brian, call me uninformed.

    I recall a boater on the St Croix that goes out fishing at night and was complaining about the REAL LOUD noise the generators make. I can see this as real annoying.

    When you guys are out, how far do you have to stay away from a boat or dock for that matter?

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    150′ from any house or cabin on shore and 300′ of any campsite, when you’re using a generator it must be 4-cycle (to keep noise and smell down I assume), and when you’re fishing at night you have to keep any and all noise down to 50dB on the “A Scale” (whatever that is) from 50′ away from your boat.

    2010 fishing regs, page 60

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012



    What is normal conversation??

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    Quiet street
    Normal conversation

    50 – 60 electric toothbrush
    50 – 75 washing machine
    50 – 75 air conditioner
    50 – 80 electric shaver
    40-45-hotel, theater between performances
    50-65-loud conversation
    40 quiet office, library
    50 large office

    Now how can that bother…anyone?

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Whoops, I got my info confuddled:


    Night bowfishing total noise levels may not exceed 65 decibels on the ‘A” scale at a distance of 50 ft from the boat.

    Posts: 34

    One thing that needs to be remembered on all border waters is that the other states don’t have the set backs and db restrictions. So most likely if someone is running docks and using a louder genny it is a WI resident, and there is nothing we can do about that other than let them know if we are hearing of major issues.

    Posts: 34

    Another thing folks need to remember is the setbacks are for occupied “structures” and campgrounds. So if someone is on a dock or in a boat you will need to stay 50 yards from them. The reality is there is plenty of open lake shore to bowfish and have fun.

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