Bowfishing equiptment ?

  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Buddy at work does some bowfishing and we’ve talked about going out, but I have no bow, any suggestions on a cheaper set up, poundage, arrows, etc??

    Rather not spend to much on a bow considering I’d probably only use it a couple times each year.


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    any bow…35-50 lbs will work…
    fiberglass arrows, and a cheap string holder like the one in the picture. Check Pawn shops and rummage sales…

    Posts: 9325

    This is what I use:
    For my bow I use an old Hoyt Gamegetter set at about 65 pounds. The Muzzy can style reel and a roller rest. I also use the muzzy arrow, Make sure you keep sharpening the tip. I bought the bow used for $50. The can was about $100 when I bought it years ago.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Thanks guys, looking for a used set up would be nice, worst case I see Cabela’s has a recurve set up for about $140.

    But one of the fancy compounds sure would be nice…

    I didn’t know there were that many people doing it, maybe it might get used enough to buy something nicer.


    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Recurves are really effective, nice for getting quick shots off. Good luck in your search. It is a riot!

    Posts: 9325

    Once you try it you will be hooked. A recurve would be nice because you can get the shot of quicker but the only time I’ve needed a quicker shot is when I’m on the river. In lakes you seem to have a little more time to set up.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Are you allowed to do this on all MN Lakes? Do you only need a fishing license?

    I would like to give it a whirl on Harriet and Calhoun – during the Carp Spawn. There are some Big-uns in there. Also, might be impressive if I wear my “Official Jog Bra Inspector” t-shirt while taking care of some rough fish.

    I can multi-task….


    Posts: 9325

    All you need is a fishing license. You can do it on most lakes, but if the lake is in the city limits there might be an ordinance about shooting bows. Our city ordinance says the arrow has to have a rounded tip, but I don’t live in the metro.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Average Joe’s in Anoka has a few used already set up for 100 buck with AMS real and arrow.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Average Joe’s in Anoka has a few used already set up for 100 buck with AMS real and arrow.

    Thanks, I’ll try and get up there this weekend.


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    Check classified ads and auctions for cheap bows. A site I look at a lot is Go there and click current auctions and then do a search on the key word “bow” and you will see many bows from current and past auctions. They seem to go very cheap. My son and I are in the process of setting up his junior bow for bowfishing. I just put the arrow rest on it over the weekend and the reel seat was ordered Sunday night then we will pick up a reel and we are ready to go. The draw weight on his bow is around 45 pounds which I think is plenty for bowfishing. It looks almost exactly like the picture that deertracker posted but shorter. We haven’t bowfished before but plan to get out within the next month and give it a shot.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Check classified ads and auctions for cheap bows. A site I look at a lot is Go there and click current auctions and then do a search on the key word “bow” and you will see many bows from current and past auctions. They seem to go very cheap. My son and I are in the process of setting up his junior bow for bowfishing. I just put the arrow rest on it over the weekend and the reel seat was ordered Sunday night then we will pick up a reel and we are ready to go. The draw weight on his bow is around 45 pounds which I think is plenty for bowfishing. It looks almost exactly like the picture that deertracker posted but shorter. We haven’t bowfished before but plan to get out within the next month and give it a shot.

    Thanks, been hitting Craig’s list but I’ll try K-bid and see what they have.

    I emailed the shop in Anoka to see what they have also and may get up there this weekeend if they have anything.


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    I know Joe’s has two there that look just like Deertrackers pic above. I live 3 block from Joe’s and shoot there every night

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I know Joe’s has two there that look just like Deertrackers pic above. I live 3 block from Joe’s and shoot there every night

    Going up friday to see what they have, thanks.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    The wife and I went off to Average Joe’s to take a look and although I didn’t get a chance to meet the owners, I met Mark who really supprised me, I mentioned I was looking for a cheaper used bow fishing rig and he pointed out several hanging on the wall.

    I picked out one that had the nice reel, the little finger thingies so ya don’t need a glove and the draw lenght fit me.

    Price on it was $125 or make offer, so I have a bow, then he helped me get a couple of arrows and a tube of string wax.

    Total cost came to about $145.

    What I was impressed with he then set the poundage up for me, explained care and maintance and he spent I’m thinking over 45 minutes helping me with questions and such.
    For a $145 sale I thought he went way out of his way to make sure I had the bow I needed, it fit and anwsered all the questions I had.

    I’d not hesitate to buy another bow from them.

    So, thanks all, I now have a fully equipted bow and can’t wait to get out and miss fish with it…


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Great to hear! Mark is a great guy. He is the one I have do all my work on my bow. If he isn’t there I’ll let Joe’s or Jason do it. But Mark IS the Man! Glad to hear you got a great bow for a good price. Is it the one that came with the arrow on it or without? Both those two I was looking at too Guess I’ll se when I go sooting tonight after work.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Great to hear! Mark is a great guy. He is the one I have do all my work on my bow. If he isn’t there I’ll let Joe’s or Jason do it. But Mark IS the Man! Glad to hear you got a great bow for a good price. Is it the one that came with the arrow on it or without? Both those two I was looking at too Guess I’ll se when I go sooting tonight after work.

    It was the only one I seen set up for bow fishing with a reel (and white plastic container, not sure of name) on it, Hoyt Buck is what it said on the bow.

    I picked up two of the Muszy (sp?) arrows and will go back for a couple more when they get some more in.

    Ya, Mark did a great job in helping us, seems to have a pretty good handle on archery.


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