Don’t let a frozen lake stop you from enjoying a sport you love! I use my portable fish house as a dark house and cut a hole just as spear fishermen do. The key to success from my experience is to talk to guys spearing northern pike to see if they are seeing an carp and at what time. I have yet to have any of them not tell me what they are seeing because the carp mess with their success. One must be patient when attempting this style of bowfishing, but when you see one get ready because you will certainly have a school come cruising through. Typically we fish in 4 to 6 feet of water so make sure your bow is cranked up on poundage to help you get to the bottom where they will be at. Also try to use the heaviest arrow you can find…I use a solid stainless steel arrow (custom made) which is fairly heavy. 2 buddies and myself were able to harvest 73 carp bowfishing through the ice in a weekend. Hopefully that will help keep some of the die hards bowfishing in the winter….Good Luck!

Posts: 34
November 30, 2009 at 2:46 am