Awesome day Bowfishing!

  • Peter W
    Posts: 25

    Went to a local metro lake last Sunday and had an interesting afternoon. The day started with my trolling motor deciding to crap out on me and not work, this was going to make things tough by not being mobile and covering water to find some scaled beasts. We decided to find an area where they were moving a lot and anchor on the fish. We did this and it turned out to be a better outcome than trolling around the shallows taking our shots at fish. We would see the fish cruising in and most of them would come pretty close to the boat and we had action all day. These waters were flooded with carp! This was my first time having a bunch of good shots at fish and m,y partner Adam quickly had 4 in the livewell before I hit a fish! I decided to step up my game and aim lower….then it was on. I was able to hit a few but lost a monster about 20 lbs. We moved spots and almost had a full livewell(deadwell in this case) and we kept going. This time we found a great inlet area with fish moving in and out. The fish seemed bigger so we stayed a while. We ended up with 2 just over 20 lbs no giants but the 20 lbers were HUGE!!! I haven’t even caught a carp that big so it was exciting. Needless to say I am now hooked on this sport and I can see what all the ruckus is about. I will be back out there at my soonest opportunity. Had a great time with a good friend and hope to do it more and more!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Nice. What do you do with them? We smoke he Buffalo up here but you can only eat so many.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Nice! Your livewell will never be the same, especially if any of those sows have eggs in them.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Nice! Your livewell will never be the same, especially if any of those sows have eggs in them.


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Adam is a stallion! Nice work to the both of you. Been years since I’ve done it, but it’s a blast no doubt.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I found my set-up in the garage rafters. I may have to dust it off and sling some fiberglass. How about bowfishing from a standup paddleboard? Could be fun!

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    That sounds like it would be an adventure anyway on a paddle board. I think if I had one I might try it.

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