A few weeks back, our daughter was to come over for a meal. Wife picked up a “pork roast” the day before. Saw the package, but didn’t check the cut or weight. All I knew was that it was to be smoked by me. At ~1150, I decided to check it out and and get some rub on it while the smoker got started. Pulled it out and discovered it was over 9# and bone in – I thought it was ~4-5 and boneless as it was just the 3 of us for dinner.
Had the “oh crap” when I realized that we were eating ~6pm. I was envisioning eating at 10pm, which was not good. I quickly spiced it up and rubbed my mix in thoroughly. It hit the smoker at 1200 – 250F setting. I pulled up some of the “hot and fast” recipes, but they all seemed to use 275F and my smoker has settings of 250 and 300 – no 275. I let it smoke for 2 hours @ 250, then turned it up to 300 and headed off to a vet appointment. I usually do not let stuff sit in the smoke w/o checking every ~15 minutes.
Got back 2 hours later and checked the roast – it looked good but didn’t want it to dry out so I wrapped it in foil and turned the smoker back down to 250.
Checked the internal temp 1.5 hours later and it was 180. By 6pm it was 195 and I shut it down! Let it rest 20 minutes and pulled out the bone.
I was worried it would be dry or overcooked on the exterior portions. I was wrong – very moist and juicy with great flavor as well! My wife and daughter said it was the best they have ever had.
I will be using this method going forward – beats the 9+ hours it usually takes when I cook at 225-250F.

Posts: 551
April 24, 2023 at 12:18 pm