9.9 kicker

  • Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Been looking for one of these to put on a 185 Trophy. Seem to be hard to come by so thought I’d pass this along. Overton’s has pretty much a full line of Suzuki 9.9s and a few Hondas as well. I ordered a Suzuki last week and they said it should ship in 3-5 days. We’ll see how it goes.Price seems good as well.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Good to here. I saw Online Outboards had them too but there return policy scared me off plus they were about 140.00 higher. Hope it doesn’t mind being next to a Mercury but never really bothered me about everything matching exept maybe shoes and socks.

    Posts: 1047

    All the Japanese motors are rock solid. I have a 2007 Tohatsu 9.9 and never a problem. Good luck.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Have a 2016 9.9 suzuki. Push button start went out on it year 3. It was fixed under warranty. The mechanic did express some astonishment and said “you don’t see these break too often” so take that for what it’s worth. I do like suzukis motors

    Posts: 1719

    There is a big shift in Florida to Suzuki. Ruled by Yamaha for years, Warranty and reliability in saltwater has a lot of boaters and dealers preferring them.

    Posts: 890
    Mr. Pike 81 wrote:

    I ordered a Suzuki last week…

    What model # did you end up going with?

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    I ended up getting the BTHL. Long shaft tiller with electric start and power tilt

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Just got my 9.9 Mercury Pro Kicker EFI really considered the Suzuki just some things on the Pro Kicker I like better. The shifter is farther forward, I can adjust where the tiller arm is in relation to the motor, the tiller arm is a bit longer and the self centering straps when raised. The gearing is a tad lower then the Suzuki not as low as the Yamaha T9 as these EFI motors idle much faster then the old carb model ( which Yamaha still is ) at 900-1000 RPM depending on how you troll and boat may need to go to a lower pitch prop.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Hey Tom P.
    I liked those things about the Pro Kicker also. Would have been happy with one. The only thing is the Zuke was in stock and the Merc was 30 weeks out. Iv’e had Suzuki motorcycles since the early ’70s with good experience so will be happy with the 9.9 kicker.

    Posts: 252

    You can get 3% cash back at overtons if you have an active junky account too.

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