620T changes

  • Eric Ahlstrom
    Posts: 21

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking at upgrading from my 680T to a 620T and am trying to figure out how the 620T changed over the years. Can someone give me a breakdown? How has the hull design and layout change from year to year. It looks to me like there was a big change from 2002 to 2003. Are there other years where it changed?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I think the biggest change they made was to quit making them

    Eric Ahlstrom
    Posts: 21

    Yeah, it stinks they stopped making them because I love tillers so much. Love how much space I have in a tiller.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    Check with Ted Meriden on this site. He just sold his he can probably fill you in.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Biggest changes were in 2009. They went from batteries in the back to batteries in the front. The batteries in the front are nice and they make your boat more level. The drawback is they do slow your boat down a bit. With a 115 on a 620 I got right around 37 to 40 miles an hour with three guys. Currently I have a 150 Yamaha and I can get low 40s with 5-6 people no problem. If I put a different pitch prop I could easily get into the 50s but I’d have no low end.

    I have had 4 Ranger 620 tillers. A 2001 a 2003 2007 and now currently a 2010. I liked every one of them. The storage seems to be much better than any other boat. And the ride is comparable to any good Glass boat.

    I personally think you could buy any year 620T repower it and have a good boat for the next 20 years.

    FWIW, I know of some musky guides that went with the skeeter from a ranger and went back to Ranger because Skeeter would not track very well in the water and also had a lot of pitch and roll when hit by waves while casting. They said the Ranger handled waves much better while casting.

    Eric Ahlstrom
    Posts: 21

    I have had 4 Ranger 620 tillers. A 2001 a 2003 2007 and now currently a 2010. I liked every one of them. The storage seems to be much better than any other boat. And the ride is comparable to any good Glass boat.

    I personally think you could buy any year 620T repower it and have a good boat for the next 20 years.

    Did the rod storage change at all in the different models you had? Do they all have those tubes you put the rods in or do any of them just have a open compartment for rods?

    My 680T is a 1990 and I got it in 1995. It’s been an incredible boat! Ranger makes a great product for sure.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Rod storage was the same in all of them.

    I personally love the rod tubes. I can put in rods with bottom bouncers without any tangles. It keeps the reels spaced apart too. I understand the opinions on this are split about 50/50.

    Posts: 1036

    Check with Ted Meriden on this site. He just sold his he can probably fill you in.

    Thanks Dutch, I had an ’06 I purchased in ’09 and repowered with a new 150. Sold last fall and it was an amazing boat.

    Joe is the absolute authority here in having 4 different models and his advice of finding a good used one and repower and enjoy for many good years is spot on in my opinion.

    Tough market to boat shop right now with demand at what feels like an all time high and prices are reflecting it – wishing you the best of luck!


    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    I had both a 2001 and a 2008 620T. The one major difference was the 2001 had a shorter transom than the later models, like 2 inches. Although I had Wave Wackers on both, the 2008 was much better for back trolling.

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