55# terrova with no puck?

  • Deuces
    Posts: 5307

    Dad bought one online with ipilot, box already got tossed, and it doesn’t have a puck? What the duece? Older model refurbished? Pretty sure he’s sticking with it no matter, I’m just curious to if they maybe don’t utiliZe it anymore.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    My refurbished one came with a puck. Did he toss it with the box. Runs about $150 for a replacement.

    Chad Leonhardt
    Posts: 25

    I just bought a 55 terrova with ipiloit link and it came with a puck. (Heading sensor) it was packaged separately in its own bubble wrap, but I think it was zip tied to the motor cables.

    Posts: 5307

    Good to know thanks fellas

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