55 in January, who is grilling tonight.

  • Rodwork
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Wow. I don’t remember ever seeing this nice of a day in January. Everyone seems to be happy about the weather and it is making me depressed. Hopefully some beers over the grill will help me forget for a bit how my ice season is going be shot. It is almost like one has to grill today so next year or the one after you can say…. toast

    Yes some of us do grill year round. But not in January when it is 55 out. I normally stop grilling when it is colder than 20.

    Posts: 1822

    Ooh thats a good idea. I pulled my tanks for using with the buddy heaters but I don’t really need them anymore I guess.

    Posts: 24668

    I dont remember the last time the temp was higher than my age on my birthday. This is ridiculous.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Happy birthday CaptainMusky

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Happy Birthday ! I grill year round ! toast waytogo

    Posts: 24668

    I do too, but its far less in the winter for obvious reason of the cold, etc. I might have to fire up some steaks tonight!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I have archery league tonight or I’d be grilling. But I got off early today and have put 25 miles on the wheeler cruising the river which is awesome in a hoodie

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    Just cracked the windows in the house. nothing like some fresh air in January

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    January in Minnesota. It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    I’m grilling, yes sir

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2000

    I use my grill any time of the year!!

    and Happy Birthday Captain!!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I’ll probably grill. Chickened out on going fishing.

    Happy B-day Captain!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    I do grill year around but like others frequency goes down a bit. Sounds like a great idea though Rodwork.

    Happy 50th Capt! I’m just a couple years behind ya. waytogo

    Posts: 4362

    Just gotta snapchat flashback on my phone. 630am Jan 31 2019 minus 36 degrees.

    Posts: 4362

    The only day my old truck wouldnt start after work

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    happy birthday sir……yep be grillin…..and i’ll be doing a 1 up pretty quick….i’m gona have me a backyard fire wit beer!!!!!

    grill pretty much year round also……cept when its -20!!!!

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Gotta finish off some leftover chuck roast and cabbage first but I took some ribeye and ground beef out for the next few days. It’s 46 here today and I also grill year round. It’s five feet from my front door, right next to the Weber smoker.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3213

    Happy Birthday from someone who has a quarter century on you.

    I had 60 degrees for a while early this afternoon. Its a balmy 56 right now and has been for a couple hours now.

    Posts: 583

    Not me. I’m going walleye fishing before the ice melts.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    No grilling for me in Minnesota on January 31st.

    …there’s just too much grass to get mowed

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3213

    I picked Ma up in Centerville Monday morning and we drove to New Richland to visit a cousin. We came home thru Elsworth then down 63 to WI 35 and took it to Nelson, then home thru Wabasha and Plainview. I couldn’t believe the green, mostly winter wheat, that I saw along the route. We saw some people on ice off the dike road but then there’s always plenty of people who push it when the ice should probably be void of people. The river was wide open as far upstream as I could see so I’ll assume the water is open up to La Cupolis at least. Pockets of current in the backwaters were wide open. There were two portables on open ice I think out of Frontenac, well out into the channel. Just those two, nobody that I could make out near shore.

    The grandson and a few buddies were in N. Dakota last week perching and did not too bad. There’s ice to be fished, but I think people need to be pretty careful.

    Posts: 334

    Happy Birthday sir. Grill year round, grill stays on deck right out from patio door.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1528

    Just got the charcoal going a few minutes ago, beer can chicken tonight. Its not as warm here, only 43 today, should be going up tomorrow though. Probably make some bluegill tacos on the Blackstone on the deck tomorrow

    Posts: 1065

    grilled some fish and tators last night and burgers tonight getting the boat ready lol

    Posts: 1065

    I dont remember the last time the temp was higher than my age on my birthday. This is ridiculous.

    Happy Birthday

    Posts: 6631

    How can’t a guy grill on a night like tonight?? waytogo

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Happy birthday captain!

    Grill year round but today feels especially nice. Juat finished up some ribeyes and burgers and now enjoying a cigar, scotch and beer in a hoodie

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