
  • Pete S
    Posts: 277

    holy christ watching the news tonight and seeing the videos of people driving into plow trucks. Can we please impose a $5000 fine for anyone so self important that hits one of these??? and no i dont mind when kids walk on my lawn

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    No kidding. What’s the number up to this winter? I know in the Rochester area the total is ten accidents where people have run road plows into I believe

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    I would like to say that occasionally it’s the plows fault. Maybe rare. I saw the one on the news, definitely the cars fault. I had one make a u turn directly in front of me on the interstate. I was driving 60 in the left lane and was passing a semi on my right. The plow used the median to u-turn and never stopped. Pulled out 50 feet in front of me. I swerved left into the median ditch. I almost passed his driver’s door before I stopped. He never stopped. Luckily I didn’t hit the cables, and with 4wd was able to get out with a little work.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I think you should lose your license if you hit a plow truck. Pisses me off we can’t get out of the way of the guys trying to make things better/easier for us! Give the guys a dang break and get the “F” out of their way. flame

    Pailofperch, you doing 60 and passing a semi when the plows are out tells me you might be going to fast to begin with, BUT, I wasn’t there so I have no idea.

    Posts: 699

    I’d add anyone who runs into a police car.

    Brainerd-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 183

    Pailofperch, you doing 60 and passing a semi when the plows are out tells me you might be going to fast to begin with, BUT, I wasn’t there so I have no idea.

    oh I don’t know! I’ve seen these guy’s out scraping dry pavement before!
    Seen the DOT mowing ditches once a week all the way through November last year.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Maybe the proposed gas tax will slow people down enough…

    oops, shots fired… coffee

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I had to head down to Mayo yesterday for a 8:30 Dr. appt. There was a plow in the left lane so I slowed down considerably and turned on my flashers just to let the guy behind me know there was a reason for my speed change. Well the genius pulls out and starts to pass me, sees the plow and instead of slowing down and getting back over he guns it and just makes it in between me and the plow. There was about five feet between us when he pulled in front of me.
    I couldn’t believe the bad driving seminar I witnessed during the round trip.

    Upon getting back home I immediately poured a healthy glass of Crown.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I think if a plow driver was killed it would fall under the same penalty as the hit a worker law in the summer. 10 years in jail and a big fine.

    I have yet to see a instance where a car or pick-up came out ahead in a crash with a dump truck or snow plow.

    The good thing is the state is spending huge money installing more screens over the roadways to tell us to slow down and buckle up. Funny how we have become so stupid we have to be told something so apparent. coffee

    Posts: 24668

    Just last week while driving my son to school I was behind a lady who decided it was a good idea to squeeze alongside a plow who was stopped for the light and partially in the turn lane and the left lane. She stopped right next to the plow, when there was 20 feet of space ahead of her. There was very little room, no idea what she was thinking.
    Anyways, light turns green, she doesn’t move, but the plow does and immediately she jumps out of her car waving and flipping the bird at the plow driver and then pulls out her phone. I went around her and there was damage to her bumper possibly caused by the salt spreader on the plow, but I honestly didn’t see the plow hit her car, damage could have already been there.
    Undoubtedly she blamed the plow driver, but if he did indeed hit her car it was her damn fault in the first place. She should have never tried to sneak alongside that plow there was no room. People are dumb sometimes.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    Pailofperch, you doing 60 and passing a semi when the plows are out tells me you might be going to fast to begin with, BUT, I wasn’t there so I have no idea.

    Trust me, I was driving perfectly fine for the road conditions. Almost clear pavement. An occasional patch of snow was all there was. He essentially ran a red and pulled in front of oncoming traffic. I’m not saying all plow drivers are dummies, but this one made a huge mistake that honestly should have killed someone(me). Maybe he was out all night and was tired…but I had my eye on him in the west bound lane, the he pulled onto the turn around, I took my foot off the gas and said, “don’t do it!” and he pulled straight through, no stop, didn’t slow down. My pass of the semi wasn’t blowing his doors off either. Took a good half mile.
    My only reason for telling my story, is trying to say we all need to stop judging eveyone when there’s a “story”. Plow truck gets hit, “Oh! Hang the guy!!!” Where you there? Nope.
    I saw a plow truck once hit a pole with his plow and his whole truck jumped sideways and caught 2 cars on his left. Everyone was driving responsibly. I actually stopped and helped, and gave a report once the police showed. Just a mistake by the plow. But I suppose those other folks should rot in jail, right?
    I’ve definitely seen more morons driving erratically around plows then the other. But behind every wheel is a human.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Let’s not hold all these plow guys way up on a pedestal. I know a few of them and I bet most of you would change your mind about how great they were once you met them. It’s hard for me to believe the county hired them to plow in a big truck.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Let’s not hold all these plow guys way up on a pedestal. I know a few of them and I bet most of you would change your mind about how great they were once you met them. It’s hard for me to believe the county hired them to plow in a big truck.

    X 1,000…

    Tim owens
    Posts: 17

    Saw 1 on the news last night. The train should of at least tried to change lanes. ???????? It’s always someone else’s fault.

    Tim owens
    Posts: 17

    Saw 1 on the news last night. The train should of at least tried to change lanes. ???????? It’s always someone else’s fault.

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