5 gallon bucket accessories

  • Terry ackman
    Posts: 10

    I designed and printed myself a pole/accessory caddy for my 5 gallon bucket along with a beverage holder. A few folks I have ran into are interested in them. If any of yall have interest I’ll print a few out and sort out a way to sell them and get them to you.

    Fish on! Cheers!
    *Edited to show normal sized can in the holder.

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    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    very cool! i already pimped my bucket out but from the inside for all my accessories. you should do one of those hub shelves once you get going. sky is the limit and if you build it, they will sell….good luck Terry

    Posts: 13084

    I would so spill my beer. rotflol

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    Those are great Terry, very creative!

    Posts: 54

    Looks Nice! What do you have for a 3D printer?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    These are nice. How much for 2 of them.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    Interested in two also!

    Terry ackman
    Posts: 10

    These are nice. How much for 2 of them.

    15 for the accessory holder
    10 for the beverage holder
    Plus actual shipping cost.

    I am going to create a classified ad for these once i get some more created. I read that sales in the forums are not allowed and I agree with that and will do it right. I wanted to see if there was any interest before printing a bunch.

    Things to note, I found out today that these do not fit very well at all on fleet farm buckets. They do fit home depot buckets, whatever kemps uses for ingredient buckets (thats what i have), and they fit menards buckets. The rounded tops seem to fit best with these. I can tweak the settings to fit other buckets if i can source that bucket to ensure a good fit.

    the accessary holder has
    4 28MM holes
    3 8mm holes
    3 30mm x 7.5mm slots
    *JT snare rods are larger than 28MM at the handle.

    the beverage holder fits standard cans and water bottles. 67.5MM opening.

    They fit home depot and fleet farm 5 gallon buckets. They are tricky to get off without breaking them though. I tested it out 1.29.2024.
    I added 3 pics showing the fit and 2 showing how it can break. The fleet farm and home depot have a lip to lift it over when removing and if you don’t hold the top it can crack it. I did 50 on offs without issue holding the top. Took 2 times without holding the top to crack it.

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    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    I love the can of chick-a-lobe light in the beer holder.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    Can’t wait to try the new bucket caddies out….now if we can just get some lakes to refreeze!!! Thanks Terry!

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    Posts: 112

    These look good.

    Terry ackman
    Posts: 10

    you are very welcome. I wish the ice fishing season would have lasted longer down here in the SE. Seems winter skipped us this year.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I love the can of chick-a-lobe light in the beer holder.

    I learned something new today.

    I didn’t know people drank Mich Golden after High School.

    Posts: 110

    Are these available to purchase yet?

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    Those are really nice- well done!!
    Been trying to get my son to make his own versions of things – we make magazines for my glock and Colt 1911 that work great.
    He’s a little afraid to try to make his own stuff in terms of the measuring and layout etc.
    Any advice?

    Terry ackman
    Posts: 10

    Those are really nice- well done!!
    Been trying to get my son to make his own versions of things – we make magazines for my glock and Colt 1911 that work great.
    He’s a little afraid to try to make his own stuff in terms of the measuring and layout etc.
    Any advice?

    I use fusion 360 for designing. I have watched a lot of youtube tutorials. Many ways to create the same thing. The more settings you learn in fusion, the quicker the design aspect. That’s where I spend the most time (youtube and fusion). Then trial and error on the prints and filament types to find what works. For the 2A prints I stick to other folks designs and recommendations. Lots of noise in those forums and many so called “experts” so be careful.
    A decent caliper and fusion 360 tutorials is where I’d start. So much fun being able to solve issues or create what you want for stuff. I was tired of taking all my poles out of my bucket to use my vexilar to measure depth just to pack it all back up and walk 20 more feet to repeat. I was like I need a pole caddie. The next day I was printing one.

    Good luck!

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