494 Access

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685

    I stopped by the 494 access this afternoon. Quite a few rigs in the parking lot so a lot of guys out there today. The south side of the ramp had a lot of junk floating around but it is useable. The north side has a big log across it and isn’t open right now.

    That was me standing on shore with the fly rod. I just built myself a new 9 foot 5 weight on an IM7 blank and it’s a sweetheart. Even with a stiff southerly wind it was reaching out there just fine.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685

    LOL I didn’t even have a fly tied on. I just wanted to test drive the new rod.

    Matt Quick
    Posts: 17

    North Ramp is clear now unless it blew back in. I hooked up to the big logs and pulled them out and blew all the junk out also. I did this Sunday 3-25-2018

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685

    North Ramp is clear now unless it blew back in. I hooked up to the big logs and pulled them out and blew all the junk out also. I did this Sunday 3-25-2018


    Matt Quick
    Posts: 17

    you bet its a team effort especially this time of year. I must admit that one log was big, heavy and stuck on the concrete so it took some work but hopefully that will help things from building up.

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