I used to work in Minneapolis, with a team of people in Sunnyvale, CA and Bangalore, India.
Every time I’d visit I’d get asked the same question, “when are you going to move out here to California.” Never was normally my answer, but that was almost 100% driven by the cost of living and the general work culture in Silicon Valley. A lot of people out there that live to work, job is #1 priority in their life, and that just isn’t me. That said, most, if not all, were really really genuinely great people.
Not to mention having to deal with the people that live there…..
I know this is a running joke from midwesterners, especially conservatives, but in my experience, just about anyone I’ve ever met from California is just as likeable as anyone from Minnesota. I know that may be hard to believe because when the elections roll around, that big scary state of California is colored blue. Generally speaking, there are plenty of jerk-store individuals in every state, and it’s very rarely the state that makes them that way.