$30,000 for Hanging in There

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    Am I missing something…or is there a reason we can’t just seat people…in order? You know, people with tickets to the back of the plane board first and that’s how we fill it up? So much time is wasted waiting for the guy trying to stuff his bag into the overhead bin that was too big to begin with, holding up a line of others who need to get to their seat and settled. I’m sure there’s some reasoning behind it and why the easy fix just can’t be made, but man would that save a ton of time.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3204

    Am I missing something…or is there a reason we can’t just seat people…in order? You know, people with tickets to the back of the plane board first and that’s how we fill it up?

    I’m pretty sure the whole reason is overhead bin space and people bringing way too much poop. Once it runs out you might have to gate check your carry on so lots of people do actually want to get on first and claim their bin space.

    If they’d actually limit carry ons correctly it wouldn’t be a problem. For me, one regular size backpack that fits on floor so I don’t have to worry about it and I want to get on last.

    Posts: 9450

    Spirit/Frontier does, and because of that they get crucified in reviews. I’ve probably flown Spirit at least half a dozen times (never had any issues) and there’s always someone about to lose their mind that the terms they agreed to when booking their flight are being enforced in regards to their carry-on; they likely just skipped that part and didn’t do any research. Then that person spreads the word about how awful and cheap Spirit is and a reputation is formed.

    Back in my prime I took my fair share of Spirit flights to Vegas with the wife and every single flight there would be at least one dude with a sherpa sized backpack just screaming at the gate attendant for charging him $100 when it didn’t fit in the personal item size checker.

    Really miss those free cups of ice jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Ok, since we’re talking planes and things we hate about flights, how many people use the restroom to go number 2 on a flight? Be honest… jester smash

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4558

    My gal had 5 workmates and a couple from her team on this flight, they are all still shaken up. Delta didnt even give them toothbrushes or a change of clothes so they had to sit in fuel soaked clothes, no cell phones, purses, wallets….horrible things happen, how you deal with it separates good companies from ones who fall short. 30k isnt going to cut it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Ok, since we’re talking planes and things we hate about flights, how many people use the restroom to go number 2 on a flight? Be honest…

    I’ll take a deuce where ever I have to take a deuce, in side out side next to a tree, in a field, on a plane, I really don’t care.
    But that said, I’ve only been on 1 plane in my entire life and I didn’t have to take a deuce that day.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    Shoot – I forgot to add something to my list. It’s probably an “Honorable Mention” listing but annoying nonetheless.

    Don’t be the person who gets onto a full flight will some giant spicy smelly plate, entre, burrito, etc. and then force the nearest 40 people to smell that the entire flight. When we flew out of Miami last year a probably 300#, 5’10’ guy sitting next to me (and half in my seat which is a whole different issue) thought it’d be a good idea to rip open a platter of 18 hot wings that he ordered “to go” from an airport restaurant. I hope every flight that guy takes for the next decade is significantly delayed.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Hot wings on a plane?? What a mess that has to be. Its hard to eat wings on a giant picnic table without making a mess.


    Posts: 13108

    My most embarrassing moment came on my last flight to Denver. My 8 year old just took off his head phones and said fairly loud eww dad did you fart? It was loud enough that I could see at least 4 rows in front of me were laughing. He then waits 30 seconds and whispers in my ear. Dad it was me that farted. doah

    Posts: 13108

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gim wrote:</div>

    Ok, since we’re talking planes and things we hate about flights, how many people use the restroom to go number 2 on a flight? Be honest…

    I’ll take a deuce where ever I have to take a deuce, in side out side next to a tree, in a field, on a plane, I really don’t care.
    But that said, I’ve only been on 1 plane in my entire life and I didn’t have to take a deuce that day.

    Not healthy to hold it. Frankly the older you get it’s almost impossible at times.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11160

    I would never rip a deuce on a plane. I don’t think I could.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    I would never rip a deuce on a plane. I don’t think I could.

    I fly regularly, and still haven’t even considered crossing that threshold. My longest flight is probably 9-10 hours so far and still have retained my dignity. It’s the trip my wife wants to take to Italy that will probably do me in.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2136

    My most embarrassing moment came on my last flight to Denver. My 8 year old just took off his head phones and said fairly loud eww dad did you fart? It was loud enough that I could see at least 4 rows in front of me were laughing. He then waits 30 seconds and whispers in my ear. Dad it was me that farted. doah


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    My most embarrassing moment came on my last flight to Denver. My 8 year old just took off his head phones and said fairly loud eww dad did you fart? It was loud enough that I could see at least 4 rows in front of me were laughing. He then waits 30 seconds and whispers in my ear. Dad it was me that farted.

    That sounds like my kid to a T. When he was young we were at Walmart and this couple was shopping in front of us, both in mobility carts and both probably 400 plus pounds the baskets they had were loaded with junk food. And my kid says hey dad why are those people so big. He said this loudly, and we were 5 feet from them. I put my head down and walked to the next aisle. I explained to him that was very rude, but also I told him to look in the carts they had, mtn dews, candy and, chips and frozen food. He still doesn’t drink but maybe 1 pop a month lol and doesn’t eat candy

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    I would never rip a deuce on a plane. I don’t think I could.

    Again I’ve only been on 1 plane in my life and it was first class to Vegas. I never even seen what the restroom looked like. But when I gotta go, I gotta go. I’ve taken many woods poops both hunting and fishing, I only have porta potties on job sites and I can do my duty just about anywhere with no shame

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    A cousins son was on that flight.. he was one of the last 2 left hospitalized. Glad he survived.

    Posts: 9450

    Trained my kids at the age of two that the proper thing to say after ripping a fart is always “excuse you, mom”

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Trained my kids at the age of two that the proper thing to say after ripping a fart is always “excuse you, mom”

    Lol that’s gold rotflol

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Trained my kids at the age of two that the proper thing to say after ripping a fart is always “excuse you, mom”

    That’s priceless! rotflol

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    I went once on a 16 hour flight. I have a million miles on Delta so there have been plenty of times I needed to go.

    I’ve seen some nasty stuff on airlines. I avoid the bathrooms at all costs.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    On a not so chipper flight back from the DR years ago… after many fine drinks and cigars the night before… we were on a plane with about a dozen people… literally we almost had our own bathroom. I was thankful the plane was so empty.. one and only time ever with that nonsense on a plane doah

    Posts: 6714

    I went once on a 16 hour flight. I have a million miles on Delta so there have been plenty of times I needed to go.

    I’ve seen some nasty stuff on airlines. I avoid the bathrooms at all costs.

    I once flew to Abu Dhabi on Emirates Airlines FOUR TIMES for work…(layovers to/from Malaysia)

    Try riding on a plane with 500+ middle-eastern people…there were some apparent suicide bombings in the bathroom…. jester

    I’ll just leave it at that rotflol

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    That’s funny, B-man.

    I once flew from Bangkok to Singapore and the dude across the aisle from me unwrapped and ate an entire goose. The plane was like 90 degrees and 100% humidity and smelled like fried goose. 5 hours of hell.

    Jim Stoeckel
    Above the clouds.
    Posts: 139

    Is that a new thing where you get assigned overhead bin space just like assigned seating? Did I miss the memo?

    Yes, its called common sense. Now I know who. coffee

    Absolutely, common sense is the way to go when it works. When you end up in the back half of the plane and the bins are full back there, the flight attendants will make a PA and tell the passengers to use any space they find available. Overhead bin space is first come, first served. It’s been that way for decades. You always have the option to choose a ticket that allows for earlier boarding if it’s that important so you can put your carry on luggage above your seat.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    I guess it’s the staff then that have created the animal. So is it ok for someone in coach to stow their stuff in 1st class… or is there rules for that ?

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    I guess it’s the staff then that have created the animal. So is it ok for someone in coach to stow their stuff in 1st class… or is there rules for that ?

    If you are in the latter boarding groups and the first class bins have space you should absolutely use them.

    Jim Stoeckel
    Above the clouds.
    Posts: 139

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    I guess it’s the staff then that have created the animal. So is it ok for someone in coach to stow their stuff in 1st class… or is there rules for that ?

    If you are in the latter boarding groups and the first class bins have space you should absolutely use them.

    Spot on correct! I’ve witnessed that very example on a regular basis.

    THANK YOU for being a million miler!!!

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