3 Marcums in same house?

  • Bryan Bender
    N.E. WI
    Posts: 2

    Hi guys, my brother and I both own marcum flashers (lx3 & 5i.) My 9 yr old has really taken to ice fishing, and I want to get him a flasher as well. If I go with another Marcum, will all 3 get along with each other? Thanks!

    Blake Jablonski
    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 8

    I don’t have experience with those exact units, but just got back from running 4 LX7’s all within 8′ of each other and had no problems. Keeping your gain/power as low as needed to see your jig will help eliminate interference… cone angles at the narrowest setting if adjustable also helps to minimize beam overlap and picking up too much of your neighbor’s business.

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