The fact that EPG has chimed back in here is a bit concerning! We are well after the 16 hour mark. Hopefully he is busy enjoying the day outside, and not in bed!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » 2nd shot
2nd shot
April 1, 2021 at 10:08 am #2026671
Actually – I feel like a million bucks today!
My cousin, on the other hand received his second yesterday and is at home on the couch.
I’m 10 years older than he is.April 1, 2021 at 10:18 am #2026677Get my 1st shot of Pfizer on Saturday, my parents are done (Moderna & Pfizer) and neither had any side effects…nobody I know who has had a shot has reported any side effects but I know some folks do (which is normal)
April 1, 2021 at 10:34 am #2026685She Who Must Be Obeyed and me, have been both spayed and neutered.
She in January with Moderna had soreness for 36 hours. Me had Pfizer in February. Fo me there was only the initial prick of the needle, with Zero after affects the stick.April 1, 2021 at 10:38 am #2026686She Who Must Be Obeyed
Ha, those are true words that we can all relate to.
April 1, 2021 at 10:47 am #2026691Got my 2nd Pfizer vaccine beginning of Feb.
The vaccine is one’s choice to take it or not. No one is forcing you to take it. Just be mindful of the public. These vaccines have and will always be an ongoing research, trail and error, funding issue, type of deal, esp. with new viruses no one knows anything about. The flu shot is only about 50% efficient(only lasts 6 months) and in the last few years approx 40-50% of the US population only has taken the flu vaccine, plus the flu evolves. What bothers me the most are the ones who have a cough/runny nose/fever yet still go to work thinking they’re “fine”.
April 1, 2021 at 10:56 am #2026694What bothers me the most are the ones who have a cough/runny nose/fever yet still go to work thinking they’re “fine”.
[/quote]For many years that was called a good work ethic. When you work in the construction industry and work out side a lot in the winter 90 percent of the guys on site have half those symptoms.
April 1, 2021 at 10:59 am #2026696What bothers me the most are the ones who have a cough/runny nose/fever yet still go to work thinking they’re “fine”.
For many years that was called a good work ethic
[/quote]I would assume they are fine. I believe it is canoebasser that is not fine with it. “fine” please define……… seems very subjective to me.
April 1, 2021 at 11:10 am #2026699I guess I’d prefer J&J just so it’s a one and done.
[/quote]I thought the same thing until I seen it’s effectiveness this is from the CDC
“The J&J/Janssen vaccine was 66.3% effective in clinical trials (efficacy) at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people who had no evidence of prior infection 2 weeks after receiving the vaccine. People had the most protection 2 weeks after getting vaccinated.”
One thing people have to remember the vaccine protects you to some degree and will lessen the load on the hospitals, but it does not prevent you from still carrying the virus. Also 2 of my friends which work in the medical field received there 2nd shots in January and in the end of the month February both tested positive for covid.
April 1, 2021 at 11:15 am #2026700all 3 are close to 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.
That is why are doing any of this. NOT OVER A POSITIVE TEST. keep that in mind.
April 1, 2021 at 11:25 am #2026707all 3 are close to 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.
That is why are doing any of this. NOT OVER A POSITIVE TEST. keep that in mind.
Exactly, and why the effective rate is fairly irrelevant, you can still test positive and get Covid after getting any one of the vax’s. Also irrelevant is the fact I didn’t get it while my wife did despite sleeping next to each other, or so I’m told. Also I didn’t have the antibodies when I donated blood a few months after she had it.
April 1, 2021 at 11:26 am #2026708Just for your reading from the CDC
Over 145 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 29, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,509 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports.
April 1, 2021 at 11:45 am #2026718all 3 are close to 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.
That is the most important part of it in my opinion. We only have a specific capacity of health care and if hospitals fill up with a high amount of covid patients then there isn’t room for people who have everyday health issues or injuries like heart attacks, car accidents, gun shots, etc.
Where’s Waldo?
Posts: 4April 1, 2021 at 12:37 pm #2026742Quote –
Is it media/government driven fear to get this shot as a preventative? Big pharma? Long term issues if you get the shots? Just me, I’ve not been sick in 10yrs, never would allow a needle stuck in my body with this poop.The reason for getting vaccinated is to stop people from dying. It has nothing to do with the media or politics. It’s really common sense and nothing more. Unfortunately, “common sense” is poorly worded terminology. If it was common, it wouldn’t be so hard to find.
Posts: 2920April 1, 2021 at 12:51 pm #2026751I get my first shot (Pfizer) on Monday. Have been playing the game. Honestly became kind of fun in a weird way. Sort of like gambling or trying to find a good deal. But I had pretty much given up on daytime searching since they opened it up to 16+, appointments were gone in seconds and I didn’t have the time to stay on-top of it. It was worse than concert tickets. But last night I couldn’t sleep, I looked at the clock and it was 11:55pm. I had heard that many providers’ systems update at midnight with new appointments. So I got out of bed and tried it out. At 11:58 there was not a single appointment available in the state, then I clicked refresh a few times at 12:00 and BOOM – appointments everywhere. Got in 20 min from my house. Most people are driving 50 miles or more – and I was also willing to until I got one closer.
For those still attempting to find one, try out the midnight refresh!
April 1, 2021 at 12:53 pm #2026752Got my first shot of Phizer on Tuesday at noon, along with my 18 yo son. I had only very mild soreness of the needle site, where he had a sore upper arm/shoulder thru this morning. Both of us were tired Wednesday morning, but fine by noon.
April 1, 2021 at 1:30 pm #2026764How many of you guys that are under 50 have gotten the vaccine?
I was inches away from booking an appointment, I found one remaining appointment at a pharmacy and by the time I hit “book it” somebody else grabbed it because I got a “no appointments available” message. Dammmmmmmmmmmniiiiiiiitttttt! Missed it by 2 seconds!
I’m starting to get a sense for when certain sites open up new blocks of appointments so it shouldn’t be long now.
April 1, 2021 at 1:38 pm #2026772How many of you guys that are under 50 have gotten the vaccine?
I’m 38 and I’ve received my first dose on March 24. I tried for a while to get an appointment and my wife finally snagged one for me through the CVS portal during the middle of the night. I am classified by the CDC as an essential worker in phase 1b.
As Thunderlund posted, its worth trying during the middle of the night to find an open slot.
Posts: 1281April 1, 2021 at 1:51 pm #202678049 here and getting my 2nd Pfizer shot tomorrow(got in due to being an essential manufacturing worker). I was initially not going to get it, but I weighed the risks of getting the virus against the risk of getting the vaccine and decided my odds for something really bad happening were higher by getting the virus. Maybe I am wrong, but I thought the safer of the two routes is just taking the vaccine.
Posts: 2920April 1, 2021 at 1:56 pm #2026783Yup 43 – and getting it Monday like I said. Grouse, you’ll have that happen A LOT if you’re trying during the day. It’s not like buying concert tickets where you get to hold what you want and get put on a timer to input your info. Basically whoever hits submit first on your chosen timeslot is the winner. I’m sure it will get better in a few days, though. Pain in the butt to roll-out of bed at midnight but it only took minutes and I was back in bed. Booked both shots. Competition appeared to be a LOT less as my browser started to act funky and I had to restart chrome in the middle of my application. I thought for sure it would be gone once I got done, but it worked!
April 1, 2021 at 2:15 pm #2026793I had 1st dose of Moderna couple weeks ago. 2nd dose in a week. Not even a sore arm for me. When I got the first dose of the shingles shot however, I woke up that night with a 102 degree temp and lasted a day or so. I wont get 2nd shingles shot until a month after I complete the Covid vaccine. Does having the virus have anything to do with side effects of the vaccine? I had shingles twice within 2 months a year before I was eligible for the shingles vaccine.
Posts: 1671April 1, 2021 at 2:26 pm #2026796No shots for me, but no hate to any one who gets one.
X’s 2. That’s where I’m at. I have a fairly good immune system. I don’t want to mess with it. And other than being a fatty, no underlying conditions. No judgment on people who do get the vaccine. Don’t blame anyone. I tend to watch my own bobber.
April 1, 2021 at 3:38 pm #2026823How many of you guys that are under 50 have gotten the vaccine?
I just turned 39 and Mrs. Crappie is 33. Both have received our first dose.
I just got my first dose this morning in fact. Might be TMI for some but ive had the runs all day. not sure if that’s a side effect or not. Though it could just as easily have been from the tacos i ate last night lol
April 1, 2021 at 4:27 pm #2026841How many of you guys that are under 50 have gotten the vaccine?
I was inches away from booking an appointment, I found one remaining appointment at a pharmacy and by the time I hit “book it” somebody else grabbed it because I got a “no appointments available” message. Dammmmmmmmmmmniiiiiiiitttttt! Missed it by 2 seconds!
I’m starting to get a sense for when certain sites open up new blocks of appointments so it shouldn’t be long now.
35 and got Vax back in January. Had joint pain but that’s it. I wasn’t thrilled to be more of a guinea pig but I don’t have to deal with the craziness of hunting one down with everyone else.
As others have said, the vaccine isn’t about stopping the transmission. We are past any hope of that. It’s about making the symptoms more like a common cold for any age so that we can go back to F’ing normal finally (whether you agree with the closures or not). I wasn’t planning on getting the vax either but after doing some research, talking with some of the MD’s at my hospital, and having a couple trips planned to places with high numbers, I decided to get it.
It’s up to the individual. Nobody should be shamed for getting it or not getting it.
April 1, 2021 at 4:45 pm #20268462nd shot in 2 weeks. First gave me a sore arm for 1 1/2 days. My daughter gets her second dose next week.
You might have had the med school reject give you the shot or you tensed your arm when you got it. My father said his arm was sore for a few hours after the first shot, the second shot was no problem. I think he only got it because my sister signed him up and kept on him about it.
April 1, 2021 at 4:47 pm #2026848Though it could just as easily have been from the tacos i ate last night lol
Karry Kyllo
Posts: 1403April 1, 2021 at 4:49 pm #2026849I just had the ‘Rona a month ago so I’ll continue to wait and see how things shake out for a while. Hopefully by fall, they’ll have a one’n’done vax that is safer and gives better protection. I’ll be honest, this vax creeps me out. I see lots of stories circulating of normal, healthy people and old folks dying due to the vax. There was a post not long ago here discussing that. Seems like no one wants to talk about that, it just gets buried.
While I’m not opposed to eventually getting it, I definitely don’t have any trust and confidence in it. Some reports make it seem like it may not really do a whole lot anyway to protect you from getting and transmitting covid. Guess it’s supposed to lessen the symptoms, maybe? I barely knew I had it, but I know covid is like a box of chocolates, so ya never know.
I suspect there will be variants evolving (may already be some) that the vax won’t stop and see people needing multiple different vax’s before this is over. Big pharma’s happy!
Where do you read lots of stories about vaccinations causing deaths? They’re messenger RNA vaccines and not live virus vaccines.
April 1, 2021 at 5:47 pm #2026867How many of you guys that are under 50 have gotten the vaccine?
33 and got my 2nd dose of Moderna yesterday. No reactions to the first shot, 2nd one seemed OK but a little off w/ some body aches today.
Hopefully kick that and back to normal tomorrow.
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