2b rodcase

  • SDfisher44
    Posts: 30

    Put hand on a 2b rod case in the store today, looked really nice, I have a ice fishing innovation hard case, and have wanted something smaller but havnt really like all the alternatives until I saw this 2b, still seems fairly well protected (as long as you don’t throw stuff on top of the unprotected reel compartment) east acces and not gigantic which is my main complaint about the ice fishing innovations. Anyone use the 2b last year and have good bad and or ugly reviews?

    Cam White
    Posts: 159

    Put hand on a 2b rod case in the store today, looked really nice, I have a ice fishing innovation hard case, and have wanted something smaller but havnt really like all the alternatives until I saw this 2b, still seems fairly well protected (as long as you don’t throw stuff on top of the unprotected reel compartment) east acces and not gigantic which is my main complaint about the <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>ice fishing innovations. Anyone use the 2b last year and have good bad and or ugly reviews?

    Used the xl bag last season. You have to be careful inserting the rods, the eyes sometimes catch. Like you I had the big otter case, just too bulky. I like the xl case a lot.

    Posts: 237

    I have the regular and XL. Can’t say enough good things about them. Lightweight yet rugged. If you’re going to leave your rods rigged when you put them in, make sure you loosen the drag all the way.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    I’m glad I still have my OG otter rod case!

    Posts: 1507

    I bought one use 1000 series reels. They did not fit well and unable to easily take down the handles returned right away. It’s a nice bag bummed it didn’t work. If you have just in lines it would work well.

    Cam White
    Posts: 159

    Use 1000 on my rods, you have to jiggle them a bit to get them to fit, but I don’t knock down my handles.

    Posts: 237

    I have no issues fitting 500 and 1000 size spinning reels.

    1. 20221120_105458-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 42

    I have the XL and love it used it all last year.
    Best case for my use hands down.

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