2B Fishing – Savant?

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    Looking at adding a rod to the arsenal this season. To be fair, I have rods from many rod makers, but I always like to try something new. Im very familiar with the TUCR Fusion for perch, crappie and smaller walleye and the 2B Fishing Savant sounds like a very similar rod. Does anyone have experience with the Savant, and if so, what fish did you target and what size or type baits did you use?

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    Wow, guess I will be the first one to post a review on it, ordered it from Scheels yesterday

    Posts: 24

    I like to be positive about reviews but the one 2B rod that I purchased, and the first in my group was not what I had hoped. The rod was a ‘Lurchin’ and much to stiff for perch and light walleye as marketed. It was built with very average components that I now know as a custom builder are a small percentage of retail. It’s a blessing in disguise that the tip broke.

    My personal feeling is to avoid spending the additional 50% or find a buddy to build a custom for a fraction of the cost.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    Thanks for an honest review, I will post one of the Savant after I get some use out of it. I am trying it out as I have 2 of their open water rods and have been very happy with them

    Posts: 741

    I have had a few of the 2B’s and one Elliott. Ice rods have held up so far and our favorite is the Spoon Daddy. Unfortunately, my experience with their customer service on open water rods has had me move to get rid of their rods I have and not use/recommend their products. For the cost, overall quality, and customer service my experience has me strongly recommend JT and TUCR. I did buy a frostbite rod recently and am very impressed with the build and feel, for the price point, but can’t speak to their customer service.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    I havent had to deal with their customer service so far with either of the open water rods I have and are very happy with them so I figured I would try one of their ice rods. I have JT, TUCR and DH Customs so I will be able to provide a comparison on the build/quality

    Posts: 3319

    I haven’t used any 2b or Elliot rods.
    I did look at both at Scheels recently and was not impressed. I didn’t like the feel or finish on the models I handled. I’m talking ice rods only. I thought tucr models were better in every way. JMO

    Posts: 563

    Elliot ice rods are the best I’ve used. I have a 2b deadstick that isn’t that impressive. U can feel the handle/ cork bend a little too easily under load. I own alot of their open water rods but also question the build quality/warranty.

    Posts: 24

    I’ll throw out the very unpopular opinion that my favorite commercial ice rod is a JT. They changed my attitude toward higher priced ice rods.

    I had a Scheels rep in Fargo, who was sponsored by Elliot, push me in that direction. My feedback was not appreciated. Good but not great rods for the price after fishing with popular models for two seasons. If they were all free I’d tell you buy even with the odd handle material.

    Posts: 741

    If interested in a Elliott 45mXf and a 2B deadstick in like new condition message me.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    The Savant showed up today, paired it with a Shimano Sienna 500. Initial impression is good. Build quality seems good and when compared side by side to the same length Fusion, the Savant has a softer tip and slightly more moderate transition to the backbone. This makes sense as they claim it is a bluegill/crappie/perch rod

    Understand that the Fusion is my favorite rod for perch, crappies and smaller walleyes so this is just my initial opinion and I wont be able to confirm how it works until we have ice

    As I originally stated, I like to try rods from multiple rod makers to test the market and see what is out there.

    Posts: 8

    Big storm, sure would like to hear your thoughts once you’ve used it a few times.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    I have used it a couple times now, but havent caught a fish on it yet (ice season is really just getting going in southern WI unfortunately). I have used small spoons ranging from 1/16oz to 1/12oz on it and it seems to fish good. I hope to find a few fish for a better feel of it this weekend now that I will be able to get to some of my higher confidence spots for catching fish

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 303

    I got a savant this year and I have been impressed. I have been using 1/16 oz spoons on it and it has been a very good rod for me. I’ve caught from 4” gills to 6 pound northern and it even handles the bigger fish well.

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