.257 roberts

  • Red Eye
    Posts: 1027

    By chance would anyone out there that does any reloading have dies for the .257 roberts? My boy is using his grandfathers gun for youth deer season. Over 2 yrs ago now I was able to find a couple of boxes of Remington core lokts. But have not been able to find anything since. I have some brass and was wondering if anyone would be willing to do some reloading for me. I would pay for supplies and your time. Thanks.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1027

    Ya I did see that but I wasn’t real sure on that berger bullet? Designed to fragment and shed weight? Doesn’t seem ideal for deer hunting.

    Bill Mundt
    Posts: 58

    Can’t help with dies, but I’ve been hunting with a .257 Roberts for about 10 years now in a Browning A-bolt. Been running the Remington Core’s with great results. Also tryed Hornadys SST’s with not so great results. I’m down to 1/2 box of Remington. Haven’t seen a box for sale in years.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Red Eye, I may be able to help.

    Where are you located?

    How much brass do you have?


    Posts: 529

    Lots and lots of deer and elk are killed every year with berger’s. I wouldn’t hesitate. They’re exceptionally accurate as well

    Edited to add I’ve not shot them factory loaded. Only hand loads.They typically like to be touching the lands so your mileage may very

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