.257 roberts

  • Red Eye
    Posts: 997

    FIL has a .257 roberts in a 700 rem. My boy will be shooting it this fall on his first yr deer hunt. I found a couple of boxes on Rem core lok last fall. Just found some Honaday 117gr SST loads. Any opinions on the SSTs before I make the purchase?

    Posts: 525

    I don’t have a ton of experience with them. Performed similarly to nosler ballistic tips in the handful of deer I’ve shot/seen shot. Lots of damage and energy dumped inside the animal. No exit. I prefer some more penetration and less “explosiveness” myself but certainly a very killy bullet.

    Posts: 4501

    I shoot the 160gn Corloks in my Remington BDL 30-06 and they are deadly accurate, 3 in the same hole at 100 yards at site in. Buy them and compare the 2 and report back with pics?

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Being a handloader,sst’ wouldn’t be my first choice,but will get the job done.I would buy shoot them up,save the brass and you can have them loaded with bullet/powder of your choice.With alot of calibers being tough to come by,most dies are not.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1824

    The SST is a good bullet for deer sized game. I use them in my 243 and 30-06 for antelope up to mule deer, on my dream hunts. For midwest whitetail, they work well. toast

    Bill Mundt
    Posts: 58

    I’ve got a .257 Roberts Browning A-bolt. I’ve tried the SST’s. They shoot well but are junk hunting loads(in my opinion) . Go with the Remington Core’s. That is what Ive been using for years now in both my .257 and my son’s .243 with great results on whitetails.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    I’ve used the similar Nosler BT bullet for deer for over 10 years now in my 243 with absolutely lights out results. They produce devastating shock and, essentially, they do exactly what Nosler and Hornady say they do. That is they transfer the maximum amount of shock with immediate expansion on contact.

    My observations from personally shooting deer with these bullets is that in a high velocity round, the shock transfer is so great it’s like the deer is hit by lightning. There’s no blood trail to follow because the deer drop in their tracks. I have personally taken 4 deer and others have used my rifle to take 3 more and none of them has gotten farther than 30 yards, and 6 of the 7 literally crumpled in their tracks.

    I think some misunderstand these bullets, they see the ballistic tip which is similar to a varmint bullet and that leads them to conclude that these bullets “explode” on impact, which is not the case.

    I think the sweet spot for the SST and BT is deer/antelope-sized game with sub-26 bore cartridges that drive bullets fast. That produces the shock that really makes these bullets shine. I would not hesitate to shoot an SST out of a 257 roberts.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 997

    Thanks for the info guys. Turns out the place online that had them must have been old and doesn’t exist anymore. Can’t order online through them and only get a busy signal. Back to more calling and searching for loads.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 256

    Hey Red Eye I found someone with 2 boxes of .257 if you are interested. I sent you a private message with the info.

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