The coho fishing has been great for the better part of a month now, but I’ve been itching to get into some kings. A couple weeks ago, I was able to land a 12 lb king along with a smaller one to go along with 3 cohos. This past weekend before the storms rolled, I managed to double up in my kayak, landing a 15 lb king and a coho. After I reset lines, my rod doubled over and a nice king pulled out 350 ft of line before I could start chasing it down in my hobie (after I cleared my leadcore rod to avoid tangles). After a 10 minute fight, I landed a 23.5 lb king (bled out), a new season best and the 6th king I’ve landed this year. Storms were rolling in, so I worked my way back in. Ended up 3-4 in about 2.5 hours on the water.

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