2024 morels

  • slabz
    Posts: 105

    Anybody been out hunting morels yet this spring? I found about 2 dozen small grays (1-2″ tall) tonight in central Minnesota. I would guess these ones popped within the past few days. Conditions so far have been ideal with the moisture we have received and the extended forecast looks promising too (highs near 70, lows in the upper 40s, and more precip). Bring on the morels!

    Posts: 2882

    I just tried for my first time yesterday. Didn’t find any but also didn’t cover much ground either. Tried to identify recently dead elm trees since I hear that’s where they grow best, but I kind of struggled finding any. I’ll probably try again tomorrow or the next day.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1077

    I checked out a couple good looking areas and found one yellow.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    I’ve been getting about this many every other day for about a week now. A couple days it was even more.
    Have eatin more meals this year than in the last 3 combined.

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    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1420

    Nothing for me yet. Went out on Sunday & Tuesday to a few places I’ve found them before and grabbed a bunch of Fiddle Heads for consolation. Forgot how good they can be! Hopefully I can find some soon! Fresh steak is on the menu this weekend.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    I checked out a couple good looking areas and found one yellow.

    Nothing for me yet. Went out on Sunday & Tuesday to a few places I’ve found them before and grabbed a bunch of Fiddle Heads for consolation. Forgot how good they can be! Hopefully I can find some soon! Fresh steak is on the menu this weekend.

    Stepped on one at my place last night. Oops.
    You’re both welcome to come look around.
    First come first served toast

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9127

    It’s going gang busters here along the river. I’ve got maybe one more hike in me before I pull the plug as I can’t stand dealing with bugs or the brush that is really taking over once the woods are completely greened up.

    I think my tally in 3 walks so far is just over 90 morels…and probably only 4 hours in the woods. I haven’t found that one motherload clump, but scattered handfuls. About ~75% of mine have come near dying (not completely dead) elms.

    Now I’ll just have to prep for a little Saturday bumper boats with your guys’ Governor in town…to have our annual “Hook and Look” lunch on Mother’s Day of fresh walleye and morels.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1420

    Stepped on one at my place last night. Oops.
    You’re both welcome to come look around.
    First come first served toast

    I’ll see you at 5:18 waytogo

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12671

    Stumbled into one on a hike and found a few more nearby. In the general area of a dead oak stump. First time finding some!

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    Anyone else notice these suckers can have a laxative effect?
    The butter they’re fried in doesn’t help either.

    After a few days of eating them daily…Thunder in the Canyon!!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9127

    Anyone else notice these suckers can have a laxative effect?
    The butter they’re fried in doesn’t help either.

    After a few days of eating them daily…Thunder in the Canyon!!

    They’re about as rich and dangerous as a food can be.

    Last year my college buddies came down on a Friday afternoon in early May and 8 of us fried up walleye I had caught earlier that week and drank “A COUPLE” beers while debating our river fishing plans the next morning until 1:00am.

    Fast forward to my wife’s gracious offering at 5:45am to whip up 3 egg omlets for everyone filled with some spinach, cheese, morels, and a hint of salsa…………

    Yeah I’ve never seen boats moving for islands on the river so fast within 40 minutes of being out there. At one point in my boat we had someone reeling in a keeper with about 120′ of line out trolling…while my other buddy was nervously sweating as he rapidly chucked gear into piles…and I was firing up the big motor to head to shore. We might have been on plane before that fish truly made it into the boat, and it wasn’t a moment too soon. Within minutes the other 2 boats were following us as fast as can be.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Since the topic was brought up, I was famous as a teenager for leaving my underwear in the woods after using it for toilet paper when out squirrel or rabbit hunting with my brother and cousin in KY. Happened almost every time. My cousin’s wife would go all out on breakfast, biscuits and gravy, eggs, chicken fried venison, fried potatoes, and we all pigged out before going hunting. I have no idea how they didn’t have the same issue. We’d split up to hunt and afterwards one of them would always ask, “Still got your underwear, Pat?”

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2128

    now there’s a legacy!!! whistling

    Posts: 162

    Went out Tuesday to check a spot Ive found them in the past. Nothing. Walked 30 yards to a dying elm I hadn’t noticed before and found a bunch. Picked a handful of the bigger ones for a ribeye that night and will check back next week to see what the little ones turned into. For me at least, finding them is more fun than eating them.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9127

    Went out Tuesday to check a spot Ive found them in the past. Nothing. Walked 30 yards to a dying elm I hadn’t noticed before and found a bunch. Picked a handful of the bigger ones for a ribeye that night and will check back next week to see what the little ones turned into. For me at least, finding them is more fun than eating them.

    If I ever cash in all my “I owe you’s” coming my way for giving people a pound of morels….I’ll be drowned in free labor and beer. My wife and I ate 3 or 4 each on a burger last night and I’ve given the rest away.

    Morel King
    Posts: 528

    They’re out

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    Posts: 2882

    Stumbled into one on a hike and found a few more nearby. In the general area of a dead oak stump. First time finding some!

    Nice, Werm. Did you cook them up?

    Posts: 4487

    Checked a spot last night hoping some giant ones would be up. It was crazy dry.

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