2024 Live From The Tree

  • orve4
    Posts: 615

    Got this with the little guy this weekend. Needed one for the freezer. He enjoyed help cutting up the deer.

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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    nice job. Sometimes I wonder if the experience for the young ones out weighs the meat in the freezer. Gotta love the look on his face toast

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3195

    That’s a nice eater. Congrats on the deer and including your son in on this. It all starts right where you started him.

    Posts: 6631


    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Nice Orve, good to see the kiddo out in the woods enjoying the outdoors with ya.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    I had to get out with the smoke pole again with the fresh snow and apparently I’m not the only one. I saw 3 trucks parked out in fields on private and there was 5 at the public lot.

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    Posts: 9309

    What state are you hunting? I’m jealous. My muzzy season was one hunt. frown

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    Late cwd hunt in mn.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I’m going to sneak out with the bow tonight I think. Till then we are just getting to the lake and man it’s going to be a cold wheeler haul

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    Got out in the stand nice and early. Kinda funny how much it’s “warmed” up already. It was -13° on my drive. -9° when I left the house. Now it’s -3°! yay jester
    We’ll see what walks by. Still have a really nice 10 walking but he’s very nocturnal and rarely a morning guy. A nice fat doe would be good. toast

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3124

    Made it out. Trees a little closer than i wanted to be to the trail but it should be ok.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3124

    Just watched a guy walk the edge im hunting. Might be ok still waytogo

    Wright County
    Posts: 3124

    Had three does teasing me at 40 yards. Have my next tree picked toast

    Posts: 1179

    Had an eventful sit, 5 does wandering around the meadow, and then an 8 and 10 crept in. Not horn hunting at this point, just want to punch my buck tag. Absolute layup shot at 15 yds on the 8. Had to hold draw for 3 minutes with a couple yearlings watching me. No excuse. Just a bad, gut shot. It’s a dead deer, just hope it doesn’t get bumped tonight.

    Shot a 1000 arrows this summer just to cap the year off like this. Classic! Merry Christmas all.

    Posts: 219

    Well got out this morning to bring in the new year in a tree. Barely caught a glimpse of what I think was a small doe, not too sure though.

    However, while walking to the tree got see the northern lights. Being in Iowa, we don’t see them too much. And I have never seen until today. So that was awesome, bucket list thing for me!

    We have 9.5 more days of the season here. Will be out this weekend with the bow and then hang it up. Gonna be on the cooler side, but not crazy cold.

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    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1982

    great picture!! they sure are something to see!!

    Posts: 1179

    Just to follow up, better to be lucky than good. Found my buck the next morning. 3 tags punched for the year. Looking forward to 2025 and putting more focus into whitetail and mulies.

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    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1982

    nice buck!! and glad you found it!!

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Nice gander!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Just to follow up, better to be lucky than good. Found my buck the next morning. 3 tags punched for the year. Looking forward to 2025 and putting more focus into whitetail and mulies.

    Nice work buddy.

    Posts: 219

    Just to follow up, better to be lucky than good. Found my buck the next morning. 3 tags punched for the year. Looking forward to 2025 and putting more focus into whitetail and mulies.

    That’s always a good feeling. Was it eaten up from predators or still intact? Good work!

    Posts: 219

    Sat in Western Iowa this morning. Real feel of -5. Shot a doe at first light, so didn’t have to sit too long. Wind was right in my face. Heated insoles are sweet!!

    Posts: 9309

    Congrats all. Wish I could still get out.

    Posts: 3421

    However, while walking to the tree got see the northern lights. Being in Iowa, we don’t see them too much. And I have never seen until today.

    Those weren’t the northern lights. They were EPG’s dock on fire from the New Years Eve’s fireworks!! rotflol rotflol

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